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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates are simply too big

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I've been skating for about 3 years, worked myself to the bone going to the rink every day learning. I took lessons and everything, and now I play in a men's B league. I started on CCM Vector 4.0s, and about 18 months ago I bought Vapor x50s. I realize now that I was stupid being this impatient, and I got them in a size 7.5 EE. I've basically been trying to deny it for awhile because I spent $470 on the skates, but they just don't feel right. I have nearly an inch of room before I touch the end of them with my toes, and even in the EE I get pain in the side of my feet still. I checked my foot with just one of those Bauer sizing chart things, and it had me at between 5.5 and 6 for Supremes, and right around 6 for Vapors. With that much room, should I feel noticably better? There's times on the ice where I feel like I'm almost tripping over my own feet because there's just too much room.

I'd like to stay with Bauer, but I'll definitely be trying on everything in the store to make sure this doesn't happen again. I've had my eye on the One80s, I would be able to get them for about $380 US total and from what I've read about them, they're pretty nice and I'm not gonna lose ankle support or anything like that from the x50s, I probably didn't notice any of the higher end features in them anyway haha.


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If you have the chance to try them on, take a peek at BAUER's Flexlite series. Busting the seems in a EE, you may be an ideal candidate for them. Lots of volume.

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I got x50s really cheap but they were too big and I skated like shit in them, you'll see a huge difference when you have the proper size. I just bought some one80s that I had sized at my LHS and I really like them. You'll definitely need the EE if your feet hurt on the sides and you should have them baked, if its still hurts then you either have them punched out or try a different skate.

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Sadly I have been stuck with x:60s that have been too big for a season and a half and I will say that it does dramatically affect my skating. I feel unbalanced and off more times than I can ever remember. If you get some wheels that fit proper it'll work wonders to improve skating.

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Even though Vapors are on the narrow side, if a size 7.5 EE is still to narrow for you when you should be in a size 5.5-6, you likely have extremely wide feet. Though I guess part of it could be that since they're so overly long for you, maybe the balls of your feet are sitting closer to where the arch should be, which is a narrower area of the foot and thus a narrower area of the skate. You said you were in Vector 4.0s before, did they fit your feet properly? Because I'm pretty sure CCM's new U+ line fits similarly. Stay away from their 2008 models (the 2008 U+ pro for example was a very defective skate), but the 2009 and 2010 U+ skates are supposed to be very good skates. Also, if you find that no matter what skates you try, they're just a touch tight in a spot or two, having them molded/stretched can take care of this, and is certainly a better option than buying them too big.

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An inch at your toes is way too big. Most recommend your toes feathering the cap and when you flex forward the toes will pull away from the cap. What you need to do is forget about a certain brand and just go to your LHS and getting properly sized/fitted and try on several different brands/models to find what works best for your foot. If none are wide enough for your foot then I'd look into customs for that extra width.

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I'm not sure if this is relevant, but to give you an idea:

Just for the hell of it, I was trying on s17s a couple weeks ago and I couldn't even fit my foot into a size 9.

Oh, and I have Bauer Bumps on both of my ankles a little bit bigger than the size of a dime because of the ones I'm in now.

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Well, after spending almost 3 hours at my LHS trying everything, I walked out with a pair of Reebok 10k's in 6 E. I've known the owner for years, got them for $390 cash. I feel like a little kid waiting for Christmas.

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it sounds like you've resolved your problem, but i wanted to ask is the pain on the sides of your feet blisters or pressure points? skates too large will shift and cause blisters and this shouldn't be mistaken for skates too narrow.

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8 month or so update: I've taken perfect care of these, and I've experienced a really weird problem: all of my eyelets have fallen out. They were slowly breaking apart, and it eventually got to the point where I would lose one every time I skated. My LHS is under new management and the new guy thinks Reebok will take them back, but I don't want to send them in for nothing. I'd have enough trouble finding a spare pair to wear while I got new ones sent to me.

Has anyone else ever heard of this happening?

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I'm no expert in skates, but were they heat molded? If so did you move in them or really crank down the laces when they were hot?

I could see that weakening the boot around the eyelets.

Or is the skate not deep enough for your foot and there is just too much pressure on the eyelets?

Hopefully it was a bad boot or something. All of the eyelets going seems pretty odd. Good luck.

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This eyelet problem happened to me too. Purchased 8ks in February, started having problems in August or so. Eyelets toward the top of the skate were actively falling apart, like the outer half would break in half, then all of it would fall out, and ones near the bottom were looking a little beleaguered. When I called the LHS, they said it was outside of their warranty period, but that Reebok would probably do something. Rather than paying to ship the skates back to Reebok and not having them for whatever the turnaround time would be, I just took them to a cobler/sports repair place who replaced all of the upper eyelets overnight.

I don't know if it was a defect, or if they got tightened improperly after heat molding (guy at the shop tightened them for me, like your mom/dad when you're little), but I felt like it got resolved with minimal headache, even if I had to spend an extra $25.

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All eyelets, both boots, in a top skate, sure does make you think it's a defect, if you're not doing something nobody else does.

Right? That's exactly what I'm thinking. It could've been a problem with heat molding, but the fit of the boot is perfect.

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