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How do you pack your hockey bag?

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I am just curious how do you guys pack your hockey bags. Ex. Skates on bottom/top? whats ur preference. Which way is the best?

Will putting skates at the bottom of the bag cause them to have a higher chance of breakage than putting them at the top?

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Pants first, then elbows in one leg of the pants, shin pads together in the other leg. Shoulders get tucked under the pants and overlap up the back. Helmet fits in the room between pants/shoulers and the open space in the bag. Skates on top of the pants, gloves in a side pocket. Laundry bag with jerseys, UA, socks, jock, and whatever else in the other side pocket. With everything tucked into my pants and folded up my bag is never bulky and awkward when carrying it.

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Even with the big MSH bag, I find I kind of have to have an order about packing it to fit it all nicely, and so it won't be so bulky that my truck cover won't close *L*.

1. Skates at either end in pockets.

2. Gloves/elbows in the middle.

3. Helmet (in a bag) tucked at one end.

4. Shins, usually one on each side.

5. Shoulders

6. Pants

7. Towels, underclothes, jerseys on top.

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Here's my 12 step program:

1. Gloves and Helmet at the front of the bag

2. Jersey(s)

3. Elbows

4. Shoulder pads

5. Pants (or girdle/shell combo)- usually on top of the shoulders and elbows

6. Shins and then hockey socks - hockey socks inside the shins and the shins are on one of the long sides

7. Performance Apparel- on top of the pants

8. Towel and then zip up the main part - at the very top over the performance apparel

9. Sandals and soap (in and end pocket) and make sure there's some shin tape in there

10. Use miracle stone on skates, wipe, put the soakers on and then put them in skate or end pockets

11. Skate socks inside the skates and zip up the pockets

12. Grab my sticks, check if they need to be taped and then put everything by the front door

Basically, the protective and performance apparel are put in the reverse order of how I put them on. The towel is put in the bag last so it's easy to put on a hook first when I open my bag. I take care of the main part of the bag before the pockets which is why the skates, sandals ect. get done near the end.

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I have a nike hockey backpack. It's very small and everything fits in just perfect but it has to be done in order except for the skates which have side pockets. There are various levels of gear.

1st Level

1 Shoulders

2nd Level

2 Pants folded leg over leg.

3rd Level

3 Shins in alternating directions, insides facing up

4 Elbows with lower portion going inside of the knee of the shinguards

4th Level

5 Gloves on top of all of that - palms to the outside of the bag to avoid any palm damage

6 Helmet between gloves facing up

7 Jock and shirt inside helmet

8 Socks and jerseys on top

I just get everything in there. But it works.

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I put things that go on first at the top, and things that go on last at the bottom:

1. Jock

2. Socks

3. Skates

4. Shins, which are packed inside of my hockey pants,

5. Shoulders/Elbows

6. Gloves

7. Helmet wrapped with jersey.

System works great. I get dressed in less than 5 minutes, as B19Kress can attest to.

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1. Helmet and gloves

2. Shoulders with elbows inside

3. Pants on top

4. Shins inside the pants

5. Skates inside the pants

6. Everything else at the end opposite the helmet which is the open end of my pants.

Sometimes my towel or something has to be thrown on top, but I only have a main compartment in my team bag, no accessory pockets, so a lot of my accessories just float around in there.

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I go by quantity and teach my young players the same way:

2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1......Jersey/s

That is 2 skates, 2 shins, 2 socks, 1 nutter, 1 pants (Breezers here in Mn but I thought I would go with the flow in this instance), 1 shoulder, 2 elbows, 2 mitts, one bucket, Jersey/s.

Systematic works best when teaching young players.

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I have a general order in which I do it, but I'm not super careful about it.

Helmet, gloves, and elbow pads go in first

Shoulder pads and shins go in next

Then my pants

My undershirt and jock go into a big ziplock bag with my jersey's and socks which I then put inside my pants

Skates go in pockets and for some reason I almost always put them in last

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my stuff usually fits without any particular arrangement. skates can go first or last.

I usually lay my pants down first because it makes the backpack a little more comfortable to carry.

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Skates in end pocket

Helmet placed in bag and tucked inside waist of pants

Gloves placed inside legs of pants

Elbow pads placed inside shoulder pads

Shin guards laid across top

Garments neatly folded in order of getting dressed (Top to bottom: shorts, shirt, skate socks, hockey socks, jersey, towel)

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1) Open trunk. Open bag.

2) Inhale deeply.

3) Regain consciousness.

4) Throw dry t-shirt and towel in bag.

5) Zip bag, close trunk.

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I thought I was alone in packing my bag.

I do it by levels, too...

1) Skates go in the front pocket.

2) Towel with sandals, jerseys, gloves along the bottom.

3) Helmet (with neckguard, etc. in it), shoulders, elbow pads.

4) Water bottle, pants, shins. My tape/stone/laces/etc. get shoved into a tupperware container and shoved into my pant legs along with my socks.

5) Underarmour.

I pretty much pack in the reverse of how I would get dressed, too. Helps me not forget stuff.

When I'm done with a game, though, it all just gets thrown in together.

I'm actually so used to it that when I bought a new bag and tried to pack, it drove me nuts because things didn't quite fit the way I wanted. So I took the bag back and repaired my old bag...

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Put skates in skate skate pockets. Put everything else in. Double check it before going to the rink to make sure that neither of the little ones took off with anything.

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Skates in their pockets, tape and scissors in one end pocket, and laces and pucks in the other


1. Helmet in the "top-left" corner

2. Gloves on top of elbow pads in the "bottom-left" corner

3. Shoulder pads on the right

4. Shin guards on top of the bottom part of the shoulders

5. Towel/socks/jersey/etc. on the top of the shoulder pads

6. Pants and water bottle in last

I swear it makes sense in my head.

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Skates in pockets. Pants in first, shin guards go inside the pants, elbow pads go inside the shin pads, gloves on the outside. Shoulder pads on the top. Also able to fit another pair of gloves in there as well. That leaves space for the helmet to sit in the little space remaining. Socks, jock, tape etc., all in the side pocket.

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I have a backpack so I don't have much room...I put the pants in upright and put the shins inside the legs, then surround it with gear.

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Us backpackers have to tetris in our gear. I have to put my shoulders down on the bottom, then pants on top of the shoulders. Then I place a shin guard in each leg of the bag and an elbow in each shin guard. A glove inside my helmet in the upper part of the pants, the other glove next to it. Skates go in the pockets and laundry bag goes on top of the pants. It's annoying, but i like the smaller bag

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