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White gloves

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I had some custom Eagle PPFi gloves made about a year ago, and they are completely white tufftek except for the red and white Canadian flag on the cuff. People always give me crap for having white gloves, what gives? Did I miss something growing up playing hockey in the south?

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White gloves are seen as "flashy", and perhaps "soft". Not two traits hockey players like to be associated with.

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Depends how old you are I guess too, and skill level is huge.

If you're really good for the leagues you play in, you can look like a bender and no one will chirp. But if you're bad you'll get chirped pretty hard. Also if you're under25 you'll most likely get made fun of, while the older crowd might like them, aswell as that U12 crowd might like aswell

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White gloves are generally looked upon pretty favorable in the inline community...

Personally I hate them. It irrates me that I was duped into wearing a pair of them.

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I believed the younger crowd would appreciate or like the white gloves. While others would like a traditional or not as flashy color.

However, I can say I like the white gloves depending on the style and accents of the glove.

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To the OP - if someone has a problem with your gloves, that's on them, not you bro. I personally don't like white gloves for me, but I'd never hound someone else for rocking them. I love all these (dumb) unspoken rules that come from players who essentially suck, themselves, and have no business criticizing anyone. People like PHEW and Sauce Hockey. Losers. Guys more worried about what someone else is wearing than focusing on their own game. Isn't ironic we spend all this time customizing our gear for our particular needs, but certain things are frowned upon for being too individual? Screw that. Wear what you dig and makes you feel good on the ice.

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A bitch to keep anywhere near clean. In the same boat for me(my opinion of white skates). You better have IT or skip the white.

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A bitch to keep anywhere near clean. In the same boat for me(my opinion of white skates). You better have IT or skip the white.

If you actually play good two-way hockey, anything is a bitch to keep anywhere near clean.

The guys I've seen with white mits fall into exactly two categories with no overlap: lacrosse trick turds and absolutely sick players with blistering passes and godly hands.

You can always tell the difference between the two before you play with them. The beauties have scuffed up whiteys that are now grey while the hotdogs with zero game sense have the shiny new ones.

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The perception is that they scream "LOOK AT ME". The guys that don't like that attitude will give you a hard time, the guys that want people to look at them will like them and some people just won't care either way.

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My roller skates are Boss Blacks, which are white with neon green accents. I honeslty dont like the looks of them, but they fit my foot and are extremely comfortable. Some people have told me they look awesome, and some have chirped at me HARD. The goalie I played against last game made it a must to say Faggot everytime I would be near the net. Until I scored on him :laugh:

But my point is, If they have white gloves for style, or because thats all that was available, I wont judge. If they were doing something that pissed me off, the white gloves would just add to the situation.

Just my .02

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And then you have Boston University................chirp them and you'll be spitting your Easton OPS for a week...........

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And then you have Boston University................chirp them and you'll be spitting your Easton OPS for a week...........

LOL! Its understandable for a whole team to have white gloves, I think its when just on player has them that makes that player a target. I remember playing travel in high school, any time we played a team where one player had white gloves or taped their shin pads with some florescent colored tape to "be cool", we always made it a goal to lay them out any chance we got. Kind of miss those teenage years... :rolleyes:

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LOL! Its understandable for a whole team to have white gloves, I think its when just on player has them that makes that player a target. I remember playing travel in high school, any time we played a team where one player had white gloves or taped their shin pads with some florescent colored tape to "be cool", we always made it a goal to lay them out any chance we got. Kind of miss those teenage years... :rolleyes:

Personally i dont care what people wear but I do agree that you do put a target on yourself when you wear white gloves. Some people are just jealous i guess

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Thanks for the info, guys in my league never really gave much of an explanation, but I guess that's because I play a good game. I went with white since I have never seen a solid pair. Thought it'd be kind of like a canvas, let the gloves show how hard I play. As far as the actual glove, the Eagle PPFi, best glove I ever had.

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To me, as a few stated before, a lot of times people will get all whites gloves, or some other "flashy" item just to stand out. For me, that screams "hot dog", on top of like Chadd said "Look at me!". The only time this really grinds my gears is if said player is not very good, and then you know they are trying to make a fashion statement.

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Hockey is a very "old school," masculine sport. Like it or not, anything that is particularly flashy, fashionable or untraditional will get you chirped, especially if you're not very good.

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i got a pair of custom-made white Eagle X70's Gloves....White gloves are the shiznit (when the model is right)

believe it or not, it has my nickname : Flashy 7 embroidered on it lol.

i do find some white gloves to be ugly tho.....depends on many factors i guess, like the color of the jersey, the player himself..etc....White glove are either extremely nice or extremely lame.

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one thing you DONT wanna sport though are white skates.. don't.

Unless youre Fedorov in the 90's , dont do it.

I wear these..


It's all about attitude. I'm a humble player, never in a scrum or battle. Always pick the puck up for the refs.

No one ever says anything to me.

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Oh no!!! I have a custom x:60 with the breast cancer color on the way... This thread is making me second guess myself. haha. And...I ordered pink laces too...Oh well, Im supporting boobies so whatever!

I'm not the smoothest player, but I am one of the main scorers on my team and play a great two way game (much like the man in my avatar). I am insanely fast though, so maybe I won't get harped on to much.

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