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The Next Big Thing In Elbow Pads?

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I see a lot of the Jofa 9177's or Reebok 8K Pro elbow pads, and even a pair of 9144's available on Ebay right now and am wondering if everyone has moved on to a better pad now, or why there seem to be so many out there as of late? I've tried the 8K non-retail or "pro" pads and wasn't crazy about them but I know they're the preferred product for guys who get a lot of payola to play.

Is there something out there that the NHL is moving to different from the Jofa/Reebok pads?

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There are very few approved pads since the NHL changed the rules and required a soft cap on all elbow pads.

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There are very few approved pads since the NHL changed the rules and required a soft cap on all elbow pads.

I've seen older Jofa elbows with the soft pad stitched over the plastic cap. Is that NHL legal?

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Saw Jody Shelly's elbow pads the other day after his fight. They were Reebok 7K pros but they had changed the colorway. They looked like they were all white with black accents instead of blue. They also had Reebok written out down the side instead of RBK like on the older pads. My guess is that's why there are so many of the older ones on eBay now, but I could be wrong seeing as you still see a lot of guys with elbow pads that say Jofa on them.

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There is an easton model that seems to be growing in the nhl, I believe it is an nhl spec synergy model.

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There is an easton model that seems to be growing in the nhl, I believe it is an nhl spec synergy model.

Pro 700. Best elbow pad ever made, in my opinion.

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Anyone heard anything good or bad about the new warrior projects? Thought I've seen a few pairs in the show

I've got the Projekt pads and they seem pretty nice in the 2 times that I've worn them on ice but they do slip pretty easily.

Are the Easton pads being referred to the S17 model?

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I've got the Projekt pads and they seem pretty nice in the 2 times that I've warn them on ice but they do slip pretty easily.

I also have the Projekt pads and they're light, mobile and very flexible. I haven't had any problems with protection, but they do tend to slip a little toward the end of games. I did go down one size (usually where large in most elbows, but use medium in the projekts) and can get them tight with the straps, but despite this I do get a little slippage from time to time. I've been doing the middle strap up a bit tighter at the beginning of games to avoid this. Undershirts with good grip also help, but I wish they had the grip inside them that some other pads do.

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I have been using 9177's and they are a little bigger than I want. Is there anything similar in fit that is available now?

RBK 8k pro's are the same pad. Some mediums and larges on eBay all the time. Any smaller than that are hard to come by though

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RBK 8k pro's are the same pad. Some mediums and larges on eBay all the time. Any smaller than that are hard to come by though

Thanks! I wonder how the new 11k's will fit?

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Are the Easton pads being referred to the S17 model?

No, but Easton's 3-piece elbow is really nice.

This is the 700 Pro


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that year's Synergy series pads all appear to be top-notch. I have a pair of low-end 300's that are really great despite the price point.

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No, but Easton's 3-piece elbow is really nice.

This is the 700 Pro

Say TBL, have you seen the new Easton EQPro elbows yet? If so, how would you compare those to the 700's? I just saw them recently, look pretty good.

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They look close in pictures.

It's based on that lines design. They Stealth series is a 3-piece elbow but the Synergy line is somewhat similar.

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Is that a current Easton lineup? My google fu is apparently weak?

No, but Easton's 3-piece elbow is really nice.

This is the 700 Pro


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Is that a current Easton lineup? My google fu is apparently weak?

It's a pro-only model based on the Synergy series of elbow pads.

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Thanks! I wonder how the new 11k's will fit?

No idea, haven't seen a pair. Honestly haven't seen a pair of RBK elbows since I got my 8K pros. Only reason I got them was my Jofas from high school got too small. I really hope the quality hasn't gone down cuz the Jofa models hold up forever. Mine were the original 5044 (white and orange model) and actually they're still in great shape, just too small.

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It's a pro-only model based on the Synergy series of elbow pads.

I have never seen them at team sales, how did you acquire them? I'm jealous.

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I also have the Projekt pads and they're light, mobile and very flexible. I haven't had any problems with protection, but they do tend to slip a little toward the end of games. I did go down one size (usually where large in most elbows, but use medium in the projekts) and can get them tight with the straps, but despite this I do get a little slippage from time to time. I've been doing the middle strap up a bit tighter at the beginning of games to avoid this. Undershirts with good grip also help, but I wish they had the grip inside them that some other pads do.

Not sure if you know about this but someone showed me a trick where you pull the sleeve of your longsleeve undershirt down and then roll it back over the bottom of the elbow pad. I do this and have no issue with slippage at all.

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Not sure if you know about this but someone showed me a trick where you pull the sleeve of your longsleeve undershirt down and then roll it back over the bottom of the elbow pad. I do this and have no issue with slippage at all.

I've just been tightening the pads a bit more before games and have also been using an undershirt with a little better grip at the elbow and it hasn't really been a problem lately - the only time it moved was in a game last night where someone actually grabbed the pad, but there aren't many pads that aren't going to move if someone really gives it a good tug. Thanks for the tip though - I'll try that if the issue crops up again.

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I have never seen them at team sales, how did you acquire them? I'm jealous.

Also interested in a pair as the old Jofas are getting more rancid by the day. I Googled around to no avail, anyone know where these might be found?

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