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Reebok Edge Pro Stock Socks

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I've recently become addicted to the Reebok Edge Pro Stock socks and wonder how I got along for 30 years prior without them?!

The funny quirk about them is that they require a garter to keep them up as they have no velcro in them to attach to all the modern jock type shorts. I find it hard to believe that all the NHL players use a garter in this day and age so what are they using to keep thier socks up?

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There is velcro on the sock.

See the black tab?

Pro stock versions don't have those velcro tabs. And yes, almost all the pros do use garter belts. If you watched 24/7, there wasn't a single pair of velcro shorts hanging in those locker rooms. Behind the scenes for the All Star game showed the same thing. They all use a separate cup and garter belt.

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I just use Velcro straps by Sports Straps to do the job. One around the shins below the knee and then I use a couple above the shins (one above the other). Works great and no tape to mess with.

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I just use the old school garter belt to hold the socks up with my non-Velcro "prostocks". I actually prefer the garters over Velcro as it limits the possibility for the socks to slip down under contact, etc.

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My non-velcro pro socks stay up just fine with the velcro on my itech shorts. I have used them for about 2 years and the socks haven't come loose once.

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My non-velcro pro socks stay up just fine with the velcro on my itech shorts. I have used them for about 2 years and the socks haven't come loose once.

Same here. My pro socks stick really well to the velcro on my Shock Doctor shorts. Good thing too, no way I'm going back to wearing a garter belt.

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I hate the velcro on the retail ones. Those tabs are way too long for me...ended up just digging into my thigh. I cut them off and use garters on both the pro/retail EDGE socks.

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I had my mom sew velcro onto the socks, works great and its an easy thing to do.

Same here. Wife sewed them up for me. Work great, won't wear anything else

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Im 6'2" and I have to wear a garter with the socks.

Velcro's on my UA jock wasn't holding them up properly.

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I've recently become addicted to the Reebok Edge Pro Stock socks and wonder how I got along for 30 years prior without them?!

The funny quirk about them is that they require a garter to keep them up as they have no velcro in them to attach to all the modern jock type shorts. I find it hard to believe that all the NHL players use a garter in this day and age so what are they using to keep thier socks up?

The pro stock ones still hold up on the velcro. They do not have the tabs, but the material holds if you have good velcro.

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Sorry to revive the topic - it showed up when I created my other RBK Edge sock thread..

Mine hold up fine with my bauer jock shorts, however I find the socks pull my jock shorts down a bit, putting the cup in an awkward position. So now I've started just wearing regular compression shorts, an athletic supporter with jock, and garters. Hey, it worked for hockey players for decades...

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Both my itech/Bauer velcro jock shorts hold up my pro stock edge socks without a hitch.

Same here. Never had a problem.

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From what I've seen the retail come in Junior and Senior, while the pro stock comes in S, M, L etc. I'd like to get a pair that's tight over my shin pads but I'm unsure what size to get.

So is the retail Senior sizing going to be loose? And what pro stock size should be pretty tight over my 15" shin pads?

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depends on how big your calves are, your shins, and your height.

for me i am 6'1, thicker then normal calves (compared to someone who doesn't play hockey, soccer, etc), x60 shins. retail edge senior socks are not incredibly tight, however they are in no way loose.

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I'm 6' with big calves and wearing Jofa 8040's, so it seems like the senior retail should be fine. They dont have to be super tight, I just don't want extra material moving around when I skate.

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What I found that worked the absolute BEST for me with the pro stock socks (longer) was the WSI compression with the girdle straps built in. It's the bees knees!

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