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Fan violence at Sporting events

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I hadn't heard this story until tonight. Apparently a Giants fan was beat almost to death outside of Dodgers Stadium on the weekend. ESPN commentary on the matter...


Did Skip Bayless just give the equivalent of the "she was asking for it" defense?????? Holy Shit! Really?!?!?! A guy wearing rival "colors" is worth getting beaten??? This isn't Bloods and Crips...this is A FUCKING SPORTING EVENT. (pardon my French)

How about NOT drinking until you don't know which side is up....how about respect for another human being. How many beers do you think the guy who did the beating had after the barely legal server behind the tap SHOULD have cut him off?????

Holy Shit...this world is absolutely messed up beyond fixing I think.

I can't believe he actually said that on TV.

I'm so glad I can wear my Habs jersey to the ACC on Saturday with little fear of anything other than a little verbal jousting with some Blue & Whites.

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1. Skip Bayless says a lot of outrageous things, that's what ESPN pays him to do.

2. Wearing a Leafs jersey into Montreal would be a far different experience.

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Further proof that Skip Bayless is a moron.

It all depends on what the situation is and what the consequences are however.

You can be a White Sox fan at Wrigley field and you will likely get heckled and chirpped all night long, but to get beat up would be unlikely unless it's two drunk guys trying to prove something for nothing. By all means do not get a bleacher seat if you're a Cardinals fan however, that is just bad bad bad.

Being a Cubs fan at the Cell is different however, most White Sox fans can't keep their mouths shut and I've had beer tossed at me, signs torn up, and even gum on my seat while at the concession stands. Keep in mind I don't drink and only would talk to the Cubs fans among me.

Some arenas are so hostile as it is. Philadelphia and NY are known for unfriendliness to visiting teams from my experience.

The Unwritten rule of visiting fans is to keep things to themselves, but if you want to be a jackass it's a bad idea to piss of a whole section of drunken blokes in the 7th inning.

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The Unwritten rule of visiting fans is to keep things to themselves, but if you want to be a jackass it's a bad idea to piss of a whole section of drunken blokes in the 7th inning.

This bears repeating. I've seen it many times from visiting fans at AT&T in San Francisco. The worst were the Mets fans in the bleachers and we had a pretty good time watching them get kicked out or arrested one by one because they were drunk and being stupid.

I have worn Giants and 49ers gear to games here in Houston and other than some good natured ribbing and a couple of drunk morons at the Texans game, have been treated pretty well. We also stay pretty reserved, fully realizing we are rooting for a visiting team.

It's hard to say what happened here but nobody rooting for a visiting team deserves to be in a medically induced coma with possible brain damage.

Skip Bayless doesn't surprise me, most of the common-taters say stupid things.

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2. Wearing a Leafs jersey into Montreal would be a far different experience.

May I ask why? We've seen many people wearing Bruins jerseys and no one got beaten up for doing so. I don't see any problem with someone wearing a Leafs jersey in Montreal.

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May I ask why? We've seen many people wearing Bruins jerseys and no one got beaten up for doing so. I don't see any problem with someone wearing a Leafs jersey in Montreal.

I've worn my Leaf jersey in Montreal a bunch of times and no issues. I dont really yell at the refs or anything but only get a couple friendly chirps about it. I dont think anybody deserves to get beat up for supporting your team, thats just ridiculas.

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I think the only fight I saw in Montreal after a Leafs game...was 2 Leaf fans. I think one guy bumped the others GF or something.

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a columbus fan vs a coyotes fan last season, the most hilarious. This jerk sitting at the glass in a self customized red wings jersey turned around when a coyotes player scored and slammed his beer directed at this guy and hit a little girl, it was on faster than anyone could tell, a guy behind the dad and little girl reacted faster than the beer hitting her, jumped over the girl landed on the guy and connected with 7 solid hard punches to the guys face, the battered guy got picked up by the cops and arrested the other guy banned for five months from coyote games, good pickup i say.

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May I ask why? We've seen many people wearing Bruins jerseys and no one got beaten up for doing so. I don't see any problem with someone wearing a Leafs jersey in Montreal.

I know more than a few people that have been doused with beer and/or assaulted at Habs games. In one case the guy was actually a Canadiens fan, but not speaking french was enough to get him showered with beer.

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I've worn my Pens jersey to a few arenas, nothing but good old fashioned chirping everywhere except in DC hahaa. Most places we meet a few locals and talk hockey and have a good time. Playoff games in Raleigh were kinda ugly afterwards, but have never seen any assaults or anything crazy.

Some people are nuts.

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I know more than a few people that have been doused with beer and/or assaulted at Habs games. In one case the guy was actually a Canadiens fan, but not speaking french was enough to get him showered with beer.

Sorry but it's still a generalization and IMO not representative of what goes on at a Habs game. Anyone who knows Montreal (the city) at least a bit would note that the English population and actually the ethnic population for that matter is very big and being an English speaking person certainly would not be sufficient to be doused with beer or beaten up. Around Bell Center which is downtown, there are many restaurants, bars and stores where you get served in English first and in French second and actually quite often cannot even get served in French. If you would have told me that your friend would have been doused in beer for being Anglophone at the St. Jean Baptiste party on June 24, then yes I would have said that it was quite possible and probably expected, which doesn't mean that it is righ but probably expected given what the St. Jean Baptiste represents for many.

Similar incidents happen in many other major hockey markets throughout Canada and the States. Last year some Habs fan got rocked quite a bit in Boston but you didn't see anyone come on here saying that Boston is a bad place for opposing teams fans to go watch hockey.

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Similar incidents happen in many other major hockey markets throughout Canada and the States. Last year some Habs fan got rocked quite a bit in Boston but you didn't see anyone come on here saying that Boston is a bad place for opposing teams fans to go watch hockey.

I've seen some pretty ugly things in Boston as well. you can add NY, Philly and Pittsburgh to that list as well. There are very few cities where I haven't seen fans completely cross the line, and most of those cities are usually criticized for not having a "good" or "passionate" fan base. The sad thing is the behavior is encouraged at some level by the teams and their employees as long as it is directed at people rooting for the other team.

In the end this incident was horrible and, while it never should have happened, as least it didn't happen at a hockey game. It would have been a major black eye to the sport and made it even more difficult to bring in new fans in the US.

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I know more than a few people that have been doused with beer and/or assaulted at Habs games. In one case the guy was actually a Canadiens fan, but not speaking french was enough to get him showered with beer.

As a guy I know who played in the bus leagues says, "The only thing worse than a Frenchman is a Canadian Frenchman."

Edit: By the way, I've been to Montreal and loved the city and posted this only for humourous effect. There will already be plenty of animosity between myself and our friends supporting the bleu, blanc, et rouge over the B's/Habs series so we really don't need any more fuel to the fire.

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I know more than a few people that have been doused with beer and/or assaulted at Habs games. In one case the guy was actually a Canadiens fan, but not speaking french was enough to get him showered with beer.

Happened to me at a Habs Bruins game that was IN BOSTON. I was probably only 12 at the time.

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Yeah, a pretty crappy deal. I work with Bryan Stow (the Giants fan) here in San Jose in the EMS system. Really good guy, and certainly not the instigator type.

We had a charity hockey game for him last week. San Jose Fire vs. AMR (American Medical Response, his employer). Dave Maley, Sharks commentator and Cup winner with Montreal in '86, skated for AMR. A good game for a good cause.

Rivalries are great, and can take a great sport to the next level, but aren't justification for a medically induced coma. Skip Bayless is a tool, and unfortunately, gets paid for it.

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Yeah, a pretty crappy deal. I work with Bryan Stow (the Giants fan) here in San Jose in the EMS system. Really good guy, and certainly not the instigator type.

We had a charity hockey game for him last week. San Jose Fire vs. AMR (American Medical Response, his employer). Dave Maley, Sharks commentator and Cup winner with Montreal in '86, skated for AMR. A good game for a good cause.

Rivalries are great, and can take a great sport to the next level, but aren't justification for a medically induced coma. Skip Bayless is a tool, and unfortunately, gets paid for it.

I'm an AMR medic in SoCal, we have had a few fundraisers for Bryan. I hope they find the shitheads that did this.

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I was at a pens playoff game a few years ago and two pens fans started fighting. One was a row above the other one and two above me. The guy higher fell over the row and my dad turned around to help break it up with some other guy. The wives were screaming at each other too until the police cleared out about 7 people involved in the whole thing. The cops questioned me and my dad on our way out that night. The pens won anyway haha

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first off all, no fan should ever be assaulted for the colors they wear.

with that being said my father and few of his colleagues just got tickets for the cubs v braves game in chicago... and they got bleacher seats. He didn't buy them one of the higher ups did, i just gave him a fair warning to not wear any piece of phillies of gear... he is a die hard phillies fan, i think if if he was sitting in the infield he would be fine... but the bleachers at wrigley are a whole other animal.

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