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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which Would You Choose?

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I can either pick up a pair of Tackla 9000's for $90US or Graf 700's at their reg. price of $60US. This is my first time trying a Euro style pant and my main concern is weight, mobility, and durability. Protection is not a concern for me as I play non-check. Really slow non-check :) Opinions?

EDIT: the 9000's would cost me $90, not $80

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I'm more partial to Tackla. Seen a lot of stitching issues on Graf protective gear. 9000s might take a bit to break in, but they'll last a long time.

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Which ones fit better?

That said, the Tackla 9000's are a great pant. One of my favorite retail pants ever.

To tell the truth, I don't know. The tackla deal is online and none of my LSH's have 9000's. They've got Tackla 2440's and 8800's which I thought fit pretty well. No Graf pants near me either.

I just really hate my Easton S5's. They're heavy, and when I wear them at my waist they feel like they're going to fall down, but if I pull them up, they put pressure on my fat gut :(

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Which ones fit better?

That said, the Tackla 9000's are a great pant. One of my favorite retail pants ever.

I tend to agree on both comments.

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I just replaced my Tackla 900's. They definitely took a lot of abuse and I know they'd have lasted a lot longer if I took better care of them.

I've been playing in them 3-5 nights a week for a year now. Before that, they were sitting in storage for like 4 yrs. I definitely stand by Tackla's pants. Dunno anything about Graf.

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Tackla without a doubt. Tried the Grafs and they where light but no where near as protective as my Tackla 5000 Airs. The 9000's are Tacklas high end pant and offers great protection but they are a little stiff at first and need to be broken in. Takes about seven to ten games before they loosen up a bit. Durability wise they are among the best on the market and can take a crap kicking before they are worn out.

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Tackla without a doubt. Tried the Grafs and they where light but no where near as protective as my Tackla 5000 Airs. The 9000's are Tacklas high end pant and offers great protection but they are a little stiff at first and need to be broken in. Takes about seven to ten games before they loosen up a bit. Durability wise they are among the best on the market and can take a crap kicking before they are worn out.

Just for clarification, the 5000 is a higher model than the 9000. The 9000 is a little lighter and has slightly less padding than the 5000.

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Choose whichever...I chose Tackla but more importantly!!! Where are you finding REALLY slow hockey to play??? I'd be in heaven, all we have now are the damn AAA, USHL, and college kids (not that there's anything wrong with them) to chase around. I'm 40 for crying out loud!!! :popcorn:

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