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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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No tape on the bottom of a blade?

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Most pros don't keep a stick long enough to worry about how the bottom of the blade holds up. They do it by fully taping the stick and then using an exacto knife or the like to cut the tape and then they peel it off the bottom. There are a couple that I have noticed who just put a couple of strips along the front and back of the blade. I found that worked pretty good when I played roller.

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I've been using the so-called Eric Cole taping method for a few months now. There's a YouTube video showing how he does it. Basically, spray adhesive on the blade, wrap two long lengths of 1.5" black tape around the blade from front to back (covering the whole blade), then rub a puck into it to get a tight seal. I then add a heavy coating of wax.

The idea is that it leaves the bottom (and also the top) of the blade with no tape so there is less friction with the playing surface. I play ice only, but I can tell you that it makes a very noticeable difference. I immediately preferred it and have not gone back since. The added benefit of this method is that it lasts a very long time. Playing on ice, I haven't noticed any abnormal wear to the bottom of my blades at all--I really think it doesn't make much difference in terms of durability.

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I think its all personal preference when it comes to tape jobs. i know guys who only tape like two inches in the middle of the blade. and some who go past the heel. i can see the whole non friction thing, but on ice i dont want my stick slipping on me or anything like that. i think in roller it would make more sense to not tape the bottom

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I've been using the so-called Eric Cole taping method for a few months now. There's a YouTube video showing how he does it. Basically, spray adhesive on the blade, wrap two long lengths of 1.5" black tape around the blade from front to back (covering the whole blade), then rub a puck into it to get a tight seal. I then add a heavy coating of wax.

The idea is that it leaves the bottom (and also the top) of the blade with no tape so there is less friction with the playing surface. I play ice only, but I can tell you that it makes a very noticeable difference. I immediately preferred it and have not gone back since. The added benefit of this method is that it lasts a very long time. Playing on ice, I haven't noticed any abnormal wear to the bottom of my blades at all--I really think it doesn't make much difference in terms of durability.

Just watched that vid - I'm going to try that; it makes total sense. I like the feeling of no tape on bottom of blade - and ultimately not only do you use less tape (lasts longer) but there's less tape on the blade.

edit: and it's a great way to get the toe as well.

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Tried that method for ice. Absolutely hate it. It makes the blade feel way too slick for my liking. However, I use that method for roller on sport court.

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Nah boys, I meant doing a regular tape job and removing the bottom layer. I do the Cole method and tape the toe for the time being.

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No, I understood what you meant. I was just referring to the Cole method in explaining what I see as the benefits of having no tape on the bottom.

My understanding of how the pros do it is simple--tape the stick and use an exacto-type knife to cut away the strip off the bottom of the blade.

To prevent having frayed edges or tape peeling up, etc., I suggest using spray adhesive (the 3M stuff) before taping and/or rubbing the tape down with a puck.

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I've been using the so-called Eric Cole taping method for a few months now. There's a YouTube video showing how he does it. Basically, spray adhesive on the blade, wrap two long lengths of 1.5" black tape around the blade from front to back (covering the whole blade), then rub a puck into it to get a tight seal. I then add a heavy coating of wax.

The idea is that it leaves the bottom (and also the top) of the blade with no tape so there is less friction with the playing surface. I play ice only, but I can tell you that it makes a very noticeable difference. I immediately preferred it and have not gone back since. The added benefit of this method is that it lasts a very long time. Playing on ice, I haven't noticed any abnormal wear to the bottom of my blades at all--I really think it doesn't make much difference in terms of durability.

You are right, carbon has an extremely low friction coefficient with ice. FWIW, even ice on ice has higher friction than carbon on ice. Taping doesn't protect blade from friction, but it does if you are a banger or tapper.

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Tried that method for ice. Absolutely hate it. It makes the blade feel way too slick for my liking. However, I use that method for roller on sport court.

Agreed. Haven't tried it but I would imagine that not having any friction wouldn't be a good thing.

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Agreed. Haven't tried it but I would imagine that not having any friction wouldn't be a good thing.

Wow a triple negative! I am not even sure what you are trying to say. Lacking friction would be good? Or it would be bad?

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No tape on the bottom is a good thing IMHO. It just makes your shot that much faster with no friction or resistance. BTW im a blade tape user ;)

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I'm pretty sure the holes in an 8.0.8 stick give more speed on your shot than not having tape on the bottom of your blade will.

Edit: In other words, this discussion is similar to the one about removing graphics to save weight on the stick.

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I'm pretty sure the holes in an 8.0.8 stick give more speed on your shot than not having tape on the bottom of your blade will.

Edit: In other words, this discussion is similar to the one about removing graphics to save weight on the stick.

Eh I kind of agree but you definitely get a different feel without the tape. I do not know for sure if i increases your shots speed but the blade for sure slides much faster on the ice. I would think of this tape method as more of a personal feel mod than something that will enhance your puck speed mod

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I'm pretty sure the holes in an 8.0.8 stick give more speed on your shot than not having tape on the bottom of your blade will.

Edit: In other words, this discussion is similar to the one about removing graphics to save weight on the stick.

Completely agree.

The only point I could see being made is that tape slightly increases the friction, therefore increases drag, and therefore increases load on the stick while the blade maintains contact with the ice... but that's REALLY stretching it.

About all it does is give a different feel while the blade is in contact with the skating surface. Personal preference. Just like some guys used to put 2-3 layers of tape on their blade, I've always only done one. I then realized I liked the more responsive feel, so I overlapped them as little as possible and now I just do the Erik Cole method, which I like the best.

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I'm pretty sure the holes in an 8.0.8 stick give more speed on your shot than not having tape on the bottom of your blade will.

Edit: In other words, this discussion is similar to the one about removing graphics to save weight on the stick.

I really have to respectfully disagree. Try it on the ice one time. Take an untaped composite stick and stick-handle and shoot with it a bit.

It really is a different experience. The reduction is friction is absolutely significant. Not that it makes it better or worse--just different. So it boils down to PP.

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I really have to respectfully disagree. Try it on the ice one time. Take an untaped composite stick and stick-handle and shoot with it a bit.

It really is a different experience. The reduction is friction is absolutely significant. Not that it makes it better or worse--just different. So it boils down to PP.

Of course it feels different. Feels about as different as walking on gravel with shoes versus without.

The point he was making was that it really makes no difference in terms of shot speed. May take some getting used to, but it isn't like everyone removing tape off the bottom of their blades is going to suddenly gain several MPH on shots.

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Of course it feels different. Feels about as different as walking on gravel with shoes versus without.

The point he was making was that it really makes no difference in terms of shot speed. May take some getting used to, but it isn't like everyone removing tape off the bottom of their blades is going to suddenly gain several MPH on shots.

If only there were a Mythbusters for hockey... :)

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i personally like doing a full heel to toe tape job for ice and roller... in roller the bottom will naturally wear off, and i usually dont tape my sticks that often in roller.. i tried using blade tape on ice, where it leaves the bottom bare.. wayyyy too slick.. i even tried taping my blade liek ovi does.. 1/3 of the toe.. couldnt do it.. that's just me

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Of course it feels different. Feels about as different as walking on gravel with shoes versus without.

The point he was making was that it really makes no difference in terms of shot speed. May take some getting used to, but it isn't like everyone removing tape off the bottom of their blades is going to suddenly gain several MPH on shots.

Exactly, it may feel different sure. But to say it's better because it adds speed to your shot? Come on now. Take an 8.0.8 stick, paint thinner the graphics, and don't tape the bottom and you should be shooting Chara speed in no time!

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