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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  On 10/10/2011 at 10:02 PM, halfmoonyote said:

Watching the Blues/Flames game today I couldn't believe Jay Bouwmeester using Warrior sticks. I know early in the season you'll see a lot guys try other manus, but Jay has been a long time Easton stalwart.

Pic is two-fold...Bouwmeester in the background using Warrior sticks, and Andy McDonald in the forefront using Eagle Talon gloves....first time I've seen them at the pro level.


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I'm not sure you're using the word "stalwart" correctly.

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He was a diehard CNT user, remember he also tried out BASE sticks there for awhile. Hopefully the Vapor will be something he likes, he tends to be pickier than most.

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  On 10/11/2011 at 7:34 AM, skyscrape said:

The beginning of the Caps game they showed ovi putting his old ccm shoulders on

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Stock footage from an old game? Not that it would be hard to believe he still wears them.

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  On 10/11/2011 at 1:03 PM, bmackrell said:

noticed Mike Green of the Caps using a Bauer Vapor APX stick in last night's Tampa game. He was a diehard Easton guy for years.

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He's also wearing X:60 gloves instead of his Franchises. Maybe he made that change earlier, not sure.

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  On 10/11/2011 at 2:35 PM, Joshison said:

Stock footage from an old game? Not that it would be hard to believe he still wears them.

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It was funny, he was putting them on fast. When he saw the camera he quickly turned away so you could not see the OV8 on the chest.

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  On 10/11/2011 at 4:46 AM, dsjunior1388 said:

I'm not sure you're using the word "stalwart" correctly.

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Adjective: Loyal, reliable, and hardworking: "he remained a stalwart supporter of the cause". Noun: A loyal, reliable, and hardworking supporter or participant in an organization or team: "the stalwarts of the Ladies' Auxiliary".

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Dennis Wideman for the Caps has been wearing the new Graf G75 the last couple games. My Graf rep was in my store last week and told me he was at the Caps practice doing some footbeds or something and he had a pair of G75s with him. Wideman saw them and they happened to be his size, he put them on, liked them, asked to use them during a skate and then came back and said he'd be keeping those. The equipment manager then came and told the rep they wanted two more pairs and he'd be sending Graf Canada the Tuuks to be installed on them. Kind of a funny story that just happened to work out perfectly for the rep, but they certainly seemed to make an impression on Wideman.


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Erik Gudbanson using a Bauer 4000 helmet tonight vs. Pittsburgh. Has the old "BaUER" logo in the box on the front, rather than the "BaUeR" on the new ones.


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  On 10/11/2011 at 9:36 PM, jsykes said:

Dennis Wideman for the Caps has been wearing the new Graf G75 the last couple games. My Graf rep was in my store last week and told me he was at the Caps practice doing some footbeds or something and he had a pair of G75s with him. Wideman saw them and they happened to be his size, he put them on, liked them, asked to use them during a skate and then came back and said he'd be keeping those. The equipment manager then came and told the rep they wanted two more pairs and he'd be sending Graf Canada the Tuuks to be installed on them. Kind of a funny story that just happened to work out perfectly for the rep, but they certainly seemed to make an impression on Wideman.


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Do NHL reps have a "quota" of stuff they need to sell?

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  On 10/11/2011 at 1:03 PM, bmackrell said:

noticed Mike Green of the Caps using a Bauer Vapor APX stick in last night's Tampa game. He was a diehard Easton guy for years.

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Bauer claims the new resin has CNT in it so maybe thats why green wants to try it.

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What gloves is Alfredsson wearing in these pictures? I don't believe they're X60s or TotalOnes (at least not retail) because the index finger has one segment, not two. The fingers actually look similar to the One90 gloves, but the back roll doesn't. They don't look like 4-rolls either.



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I know this is not pro gear, but I see Bauer is offering more flex options and the P08 on the customizer now. Apparently Warrior woke them up a bit with the new customizer.

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  On 10/12/2011 at 6:24 AM, althoma1 said:

What gloves is Alfredsson wearing in these pictures? I don't believe they're X60s or TotalOnes (at least not retail) because the index finger has one segment, not two. The fingers actually look similar to the One90 gloves, but the back roll doesn't. They don't look like 4-rolls either.



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Vapor XXXXs, atleast that's what they look like to me.

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  On 10/12/2011 at 7:00 AM, skyscrape said:

I know this is not pro gear, but I see Bauer is offering more flex options and the P08 on the customizer now. Apparently Warrior woke them up a bit with the new customizer.

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I saw this as well. It also looks like they're using smaller and less obvious "mybauer" logos too. It'd be a dream come true if they added something similar to the Versteeg curve on there.

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  On 10/12/2011 at 6:24 AM, althoma1 said:
What gloves is Alfredsson wearing in these pictures? I don't believe they're X60s or TotalOnes (at least not retail) because the index finger has one segment, not two. The fingers actually look similar to the One90 gloves, but the back roll doesn't. They don't look like 4-rolls either.



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Look like Vapor XXXX Pros.

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  On 10/12/2011 at 6:24 AM, althoma1 said:

What gloves is Alfredsson wearing in these pictures? I don't believe they're X60s or TotalOnes (at least not retail) because the index finger has one segment, not two. The fingers actually look similar to the One90 gloves, but the back roll doesn't. They don't look like 4-rolls either.



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They're TotalOnes. They have the TO backroll and if you look closer, they do have the 3-piece index fingers.

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