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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ovechkin not renewing CCM endorsement

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When Miseaujeu was teasing the customizer ("big announcement in June") I thought maybe Warrior was going to announce Ovie was going to use their sticks this season. There was a bumper scene from HBO's Winter Classic 24/7 that showed Ovie's sticks, and he had a Warrior mixed in with his CCM stuff. :biggrin:

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Not sure what the circumstances were but I'm pretty sure he's used Bauer sticks before for a couple games at a time (One95 I think).

you can find pictures of him using easton, bauer, warrior and CCM

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Not sure what the circumstances were but I'm pretty sure he's used Bauer sticks before for a couple games at a time (One95 I think).

That he did and for the playoffs of the same year before they got knocked out. I am with the side that wouldn't be surprised specially after the ASG Skills Comp with the sticks and if I recall him not liking the durability on the U+ CLs.

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I know Ovie's CCM contract expired. It would be awkward if he left, because CCM has saturated the market with Ovechkin-branded gear. Is he definitely cutting ties with CCM?

From what I gathered, CCM is not renewing. So from the sounds of it, yes, he will be. I wouldn't be surprised to see him freelance either though. Bauer tends to like tradition and doesn't need big-name people to push their gear. Easton doesn't seem like they'd shell out HUGE bucks to acquire him. Warrior on the other hand seems logical. Ovi's wild. Warrior is wild. I can't see them making Ovi specific gear, but, I can see warrior shelling out the $$$$$ to acquire him.

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From what I gathered, CCM is not renewing. So from the sounds of it, yes, he will be. I wouldn't be surprised to see him freelance either though. Bauer tends to like tradition and doesn't need big-name people to push their gear. Easton doesn't seem like they'd shell out HUGE bucks to acquire him. Warrior on the other hand seems logical. Ovi's wild. Warrior is wild. I can't see them making Ovi specific gear, but, I can see warrior shelling out the $$$$$ to acquire him.

I actually wouldn't be suprised to see Warrior launch an OVI line of products. Remember Warrior is owned by New Balance, who also owns Brine, and the major industry for both of these companies is lacrosse. Both Brine and Warrior have offered player specific lacrosse gear before (Mikey Powell line)so the idea of an OVI line wouldn't be something new within the New Balance world

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I think it will have less to do with cash and more to do with who makes a stick that he likes. No company wants another repeat of the Mission/Hull fiasco.

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I think it will have less to do with cash and more to do with who makes a stick that he likes. No company wants another repeat of the Mission/Hull fiasco.

This I agree with based on the fact that he's still using older CCM gear he clearly prioritizes what preforms best for him.

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That he did and for the playoffs of the same year before they got knocked out. I am with the side that wouldn't be surprised specially after the ASG Skills Comp with the sticks and if I recall him not liking the durability on the U+ CLs.

Broke his stick on his first attempt of the hardest shot comp. Letang gave him his S19 to use for the rest of the round.

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I know nothing about the industry, for CCM I could see having a Ovie product line being a huge +(obviously), the young kids buy this stuff up, but I could see the company being frustrated and not seeing full value, when their poster boy doesn't use their current year top of the line gear. I'm sure RBK feels the same when Sid wears old skates.

Sure the guys want to use the gear that suits them best, but the companies have to be a little pissed when they don't put the current line on.

Bauer seems get their top poster boys in the current gear right away. Does Bauer make any insistence on this more than the other guys?

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I know Bauer is willing to make older sticks for guys as long as the paint job is current. They and Warrior seem to be really good at keeping their players' gear looking current. I was surprised how many Easton guys kept using SE16 graphic sticks when the EQ50s were all repainted SE16s.

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I know nothing about the industry, for CCM I could see having a Ovie product line being a huge +(obviously), the young kids buy this stuff up, but I could see the company being frustrated and not seeing full value, when their poster boy doesn't use their current year top of the line gear. I'm sure RBK feels the same when Sid wears old skates.

Sure the guys want to use the gear that suits them best, but the companies have to be a little pissed when they don't put the current line on.

Bauer seems get their top poster boys in the current gear right away. Does Bauer make any insistence on this more than the other guys?

Ask Malkin

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No wonder why the CCM rep at SJ was trying super hard to unload the Ovi t-shirts. :ohmy:

I am going to tape over the CCM logo and Sharpie in Bauers..


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