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Ovechkin not renewing CCM endorsement

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2 days ago in Moscow


He usually wears an Easton every year in that game. He rips all the Easton logos off it..

He signed with Bauer. Theres no more speculation.

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Anyone find it peculiar that Ovechkin has announced his endorsement deal with "Nike" and not "Bauer"?

The Nike deal has nothing to do with hockey, or Bauer.

Players like Jarome Iginla and Markus Naslund had Nike deals while Nike owned Bauer and did not have Nike/Bauer deals at the time. They endorsed NikePro baselayers and apparel.

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I would say it's a case of not liking the product (I also believe he wore Bauer skates in the RSL before starting his NHL career.

If I remember correctly when he played for russia at u18s, world juniors and even in the world cup in 04, he was using a vapor xx stick, ccm gloves, bauer 8500 helmet and vapor xx skates.

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I wonder what will happen with the crazy ovi? Will it go away completely? Not sure what name they could go with.

Will sure be interesting to see, they invested soo much of their brand into Ovechkin that they will either have to abandon and fire sale all of their Ovi branded gear and anything related to him or choose a different star to showcase and rename the products after. Looking at who they have under contract, CCM will have a tough time marketing one of their players in the same light as Ovechkin

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I wonder what will happen with the crazy ovi? Will it go away completely? Not sure what name they could go with.

The OVI8 clothing line is no more beyond the inventory that is already produced. Ovechkin does keep the rights to his logo though.

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Will sure be interesting to see, they invested soo much of their brand into Ovechkin that they will either have to abandon and fire sale all of their Ovi branded gear and anything related to him or choose a different star to showcase and rename the products after. Looking at who they have under contract, CCM will have a tough time marketing one of their players in the same light as Ovechkin

I don't think Crazy Talbot will have the same ring to it.

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Not that it really matters I guess...but I am surprised CCM wouldn't want to push Hossa on their site. He was in their skates and sticks last year. I wonder if he is switching to something different for the upcoming season.

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Not that it really matters I guess...but I am surprised CCM wouldn't want to push Hossa on their site. He was in their skates and sticks last year. I wonder if he is switching to something different for the upcoming season.

only problem there is that hossa will always wear warrior gloves

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nugent hopkins is endorsed by CCM. still doesn't have the same ring to it, and he's not proven yet.

Neither was Tavares but it didn't stop them from using him before he played a game in the NHL.

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only problem there is that hossa will always wear warrior gloves

And? Not sure I follow what you're saying. A lot of manus will feature guys who aren't 100% outfitted in their gear.

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