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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Compare Wax Laces

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I've tried elite, bauer, and graf laces and my favorite is the graf laces. I like them better because theyre wider than either of the others.

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I have tried Elite and Bauer and I prefer the Bauer as the Elites were too narrow. Haven't tried Graf or Howies but will if I find a place to buy them locally.

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Just ditched the Elite waxed for the Elite "Pro" non waxed. Can't see myself ever going back again. MUCH MUCH easier to lace, unlace, and adjust once on your foot without wax. Just a counter thought.

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Seems like no one likes the Pro Guard wax laces. Any reason for that? It is all my LHS sells.

I like the Pro Guard waxed the best so far, but I'll probably try the Elite Oval waxed. I didn't like the old Elite laces because they didn't seem to have enough wax on them for me.

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Which brand has the metal ends crimped on? I've had a pair for a year or so and they've worked out great. Now I need a new pair but cant remember what they are. Anyone know?

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Which brand has the metal ends crimped on? I've had a pair for a year or so and they've worked out great. Now I need a new pair but cant remember what they are. Anyone know?

Those are SkateMate Gorilla laces.

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Call me crazy but I buy only the black or white elite wax laces for the reason that they are either lightly waxed or that they actually have no wax at all. I bought blue Elite wax laces and they were so coated in wax that they actually could point straight holding them in the air! Every color was like that except the black and white ones, weirdest thing in the world.

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Adjust without wax compare with wax?

Right. Wax forces you to pretty much start loosening from the top all the way back down to the tight spot whereas without wax, I can pull or loosen up just that spot and then move up to the top. On the bench between shifts while trying to catch your breath it's just nice to have it quick and done.

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