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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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do you gear up for open ice times?

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stupid question but me and a buddy have been going back and forth on this since we started going after my leg healed. we've been hitting sticks and pucks to help me get my legs back under me and ive been thinking about getting all my gear on for kicks and giggles, he seems to find this hilarious and unneeded lol, anyone else gear up for sticks and pucks?

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I do; full gear including shoulder pads for stick & puck/drop-in. It only takes falling once or an awkward collision to dislocate or break something, and I always feel like practicing in full game gear is more useful anyway.

I know a lot of guys don't wear anything above the waist except helmet and gloves, though; if they're that confident I guess it's their call, but I have to be able to type in the morning. ;)

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Full gear for me for two reasons. One: He's spot on, one weird fall, shot deflection, bump on the boards. And you can be in a bad way. Two: If you don't wear full gear at drop-in, your mind will dissociate them from the muscle memory of puck control, shooting, and general movements.

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As the previous posters said, safety first. Second, as both of them have also mentioned, it helps muscle memory. You may be able to pull of a neat little move or something after practicing without gear on, but your balance and movement will be completely different once you suit up.

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Everyone at my stick-and-pucks goes full gear (except coaches, of course). Seems wise to me, there are sometimes a lot of pucks flying around.

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Full equipment is required at my local rink. It is a good idea to have the full equipment on anyway. I got used to not wearing shoulder pads in roller hockey, and it has been a little awkward getting used to the extra weight and slight impaired movement. It isn't a huge deal, but enough to make me feel a little off during a game.

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Absolutely gear up fully. All but shoulders. Too many people swinging sticks around and ripping clappers up high. Also, as stated it only takes one bad fall and you could land awkwardly and get hurt for nothing.

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I wear full gear now. I used to wear no shoulders and no face shield/cage. One puck to the face which destroyed my nose and upper lip and I must wear a cage. Shoulders same deal, took a shot to the chest from a guy who was firing a puck around the boards, dunno why he did it.

Both incidents I was nowhere near the cage...

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Used to wear stick gloves and helmet but after a moron skating into me with his head down cage first, tearing my rotator cuff, Ill be wearing all my gear including Shoulders after Im released to play.

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Full bottom half and elbows and gloves for stick and puck, full gear for pickup. One fall on your elbow you wont not elbow pads agians

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Full gear because you never know when a puck will come flying your way. I've had a couple of incidents where a puck came flying my way and hit me in the shoulder. Thank God I had my shoulder pads on. Plus, I'm older now. My bones break easy. haha

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For me it depends somestimes on what seems to be the 'done thing' at wherever I'm headed - e.g. is it a relaxed stick practice, or a more intense regular pickup, what do other people seem to think is necessary. Generally, for a stick and puck or something like, I wear shins/elbows/helmet/gloves (and skates, naturally...), for pickup that's more gamelike i'll go with everything but shoulders.

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Nothing better than seeing some 17 year old with jeans, gardening gloves and a skateboard helmet on at stick and puck gliding around like a tripod in front of shots at stick and puck.

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It sucks bad enough when you get hurt doing battle in a league game, why run the risk of injury over a meaningless drop-in game? Unfortunately you've got to be more proactive about protecting yourself because you just can't trust the other guy to watch his stick or hold up on a bad check.

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There's some really good players who roll through the pick-ups by my old house. The pace can get pretty good, D1 and ex-pro good, and I always feel better with at least shins, pants and elbows. It's less so much as getting injured by other players, more so trying to not get killed with pace like that.

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Full gear, I just change to the shoulder pads the I have removed the shoulder caps on. Still pretty good protection, but it reminds me I'm not invincible and to take it easy.

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Full gear minus shoulders for S+P and with capless ones for pick up.

It's a total pet peeve of mine to see kids out there in the summer with shorts and gloves only. I for one don't play the same way with people that aren't dressed (saucer passes, ect) and not that we should compare ourselves in anyway, but pro's don't go out for a light skate without pads and they are obviously a lot more skilled than us.

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