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Ryan Smyth's Shoulders pads and stick

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Did anyone else catch the Hockey Night in Canada After Hours interview with Ryan Smyth? Kevin Weekes had him bring out his shoulder pads and stick so fan could take a look at what he plays with. Ridiculous. His shoulder pads looked like pieces of cloth stitched into some velcro. Weekes had to ask what the original brand was (Smyth said Vaughn). His stick was also a piece of work. If anyone has pictures or videos please post them.

Also, some guy tweeted in asking Smyth why he tries to look like Gretzky. LOL.

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Good peice... Its all personal preference as he said countless times. I think we all can agree that it is working for him...

I did not know the Grier was the one who came up with "Moo-lay" though.

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Funny when they asked a couple teammates about his stick and what they would do if they snapped theirs and the only stick they could get from the bench was Smyth's. One said he'd take a seat on the bench and other would immediately break it on purpose and get someone else's.

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Anyone having problems viewing it? It keeps saying "Restart".

I had the same problem too. I found the video on the Oilers NHL page. I can't post the link because I'm on my phone. I'm pretty sure I just typed in "Ryan Smyth hockey night in Canada after hours" and I found it.

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I had the same problem too. I found the video on the Oilers NHL page. I can't post the link because I'm on my phone. I'm pretty sure I just typed in "Ryan Smyth hockey night in Canada after hours" and I found it.

I'll try this, thank you!

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Gotta love how he sticks to what works, wish the clueless reporter knew at least two things about hockey. Worst piece of 'journalism' ever.

I also like having a heavy bottom, and when i switched to composite blade I noticed that my feel for the puck was more noticeable when carrying the puck across the ice with a wood blade vs composite.

I wish more NHLers would talk about what they like to use.

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That may be among the worst intro's ever done....that guy is actually an ESPN reporter? Did he win an employee contest or something? Wow. At least wait for Zamboni to finish.

the guy is really creepy too. is that a standard hair dryer?

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