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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Do You Remember Your First Stick You Had as A Kid

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very first wood stick was a Torspo, all black with turqoise lettering. First official JR shaft I used was an Easton aluminum shanahan that you could buy at Wal Mart. First one piece was either a Franklin air core or a bauer tri flex.

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First "street hockey stick" was a Mylec with a screw on blade. First real stick was a CCM Vector 02 that my fiance's parents gave me for Christmas. First shaft was an 85 flex Easton Z-bubble. Still haven't used a one piece composite though.

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First "street hockey stick" was a Mylec with a screw on blade. First real stick was a CCM Vector 02 that my fiance's parents gave me for Christmas. First shaft was an 85 flex Easton Z-bubble. Still haven't used a one piece composite though.

im just quessing here but you might be how i was with one piece sticks, i used 2 piece aluminum and then later fiberglass and graphite and was always happy enough with that and never wanted to use a one piece, i figured it wasnt that big a deal. finaly 4 years ago i bought one and after using it a few times i felt like an idiot thinking they were no better then a aluminum easton. when you find the right flex, lie and blade for you you will be amazed at how much better one piece sticks are

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im just quessing here but you might be how i was with one piece sticks, i used 2 piece aluminum and then later fiberglass and graphite and was always happy enough with that and never wanted to use a one piece, i figured it wasnt that big a deal. finaly 4 years ago i bought one and after using it a few times i felt like an idiot thinking they were no better then a aluminum easton. when you find the right flex, lie and blade for you you will be amazed at how much better one piece sticks are

it's all personal preference when it comes to 2 piece vs ops.........

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im just quessing here but you might be how i was with one piece sticks, i used 2 piece aluminum and then later fiberglass and graphite and was always happy enough with that and never wanted to use a one piece, i figured it wasnt that big a deal. finaly 4 years ago i bought one and after using it a few times i felt like an idiot thinking they were no better then a aluminum easton. when you find the right flex, lie and blade for you you will be amazed at how much better one piece sticks are

I picked up the Z-bubble for 35 bucks and wanted to try a few different curves, so its working well for me. Once I figure out the length/curve/flex I like..I want to spend about 100-140 on something nice.

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I picked up the Z-bubble for 35 bucks and wanted to try a few different curves, so its working well for me. Once I figure out the length/curve/flex I like..I want to spend about 100-140 on something nice.

youll defintely be able to get a good stick for that much, you dont need to spend $250 and up to get a very good stick, of course the $250 sticks are great but my two favorite one piece sticks are under $150, good luck to ya

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TPS Aluminum shaft with a Messier blade, worst stick used, i switched to Montreal pro stock wood sticks and a titan stick from the 90s, the Montreal and the Titan were just so awesome

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I don't remember what I used as a kid in the 80s, but my first stick bought with my own money was a blue Titan doug gilmour model. I loved how thin it felt compared to the other woodies at the time (which was probably all in my head). Used it for street hockey :)

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I remember my brother giving me his aluminum stick when he played with his high school team. Then when I began playing again, he gave me his Easton stick he used to practice with, with the Thrashers. I fell in love with how light it is and the lie.

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Don't remember my first stick, but I remember the first one I ever broke in a Bantam game.

It was like this one.


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i just found this pic

anyone know a website where I could find a unused one of these to buy


I miss this stick....This was my first stick,

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as i said earlier first stick was actually straight blade northland junior sticks from mid seventies but my first real wood ice stick from when i couod actually play what looked like a hockey game at 6 yrs old

it was a SherWood P.M.P but cant remember if there are any other details about those sticks, does anyone know other details abut the pmp sticks from the early 80s?

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Mine was a Mylec with the screw-on blade also, then woodys with fiberglass blades, then an Easton aluminum Rush Street as my first shaft. That Mylec had a Bobby Hull banana curve gave me a mean shot; I dominated my YMCA 4-6th grade league...

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A Hespeler, probably 1969 or 1970. Straight blade Victoriaville sticks figured prominently in my formative hockey years as well.

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For street hockey I started with either a Titan USA model, or Cristian one(made after Miracle on Ice). When I got into Dek hockey had to use Mylec equipment there, so I used their 1 piece one with the blue and silver mirrored tape- kinda miss shooting 80 mph low curve balls! Then when I started to play ice, I used that awful looking Red Titan, stick because it could easily be torched and bent under my door- stuck with those until the aluminums started to come out then I had an Easton convex one with a bunch of different blade combinations. Went back to wood with the Christian Black Magic stick that had the thickest and probably heaviest sock wrap and clear coat on the blade, but the curve was a banana hook, so I liked it.

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first stick was Northland also ...1975 at 3 years old

then moved onto the titan......... 2020(?) and had a "Turbo" (awful stick)

ahh memories

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