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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Free AHL tickets courtesy of CCM

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Our board is planning a road trip to the Milwaukee/Houston game to see some of the Wild players play. Kinda nice now that we know we can get free tickets.

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How bad are  yours?  I think the ones I got were in the lower level, about 15 rows back?

I got seats in corner of the upper level.

Like I said before, I got the tickets for free, so it's not like I can complain about it...

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They have know more Road Runners tickets so I just got some team from the states for a collectors thing

Same here, there is no AHL team even remotely close to me so I just got San Antonio Rampage tickets as a souvenir because they're the minor league affiliate of the Panthers.

Why would you want tickets as a souvenir for a game you werent even at?, let alone an AHL game.

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