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JR Boucicaut

Milbury to be charged with assault on 12 year-old boy

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Milbury will counter sue and both parties will agree to drop the charges outside of court or something along those lines.

It's a criminal charge.

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Milbury will counter sue and both parties will agree to drop the charges outside of court or something along those lines.

Then he'll get his kid to press assault charges.

You mean Milbury's kid? I think if the police were going to charge the kid Milbury allegedly grabbed, they'd have done it already. It's up to them, not Milbury or his kid.

Why do you suggest this? I haven't seen any report that the altercation between the children was physical, or unusual in a hockey context. Have you seen other reports?

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wow, this story is a little different from other reports I read. Previously I read that he got into an altercation with the kid outside of the arena. According to this story he grabbed the kid on the ice. Sure, he may be an assistant coach and I can understand why he may have got onto the ice, but it seems pretty dangerous to go onto the ice with no skates or any other protection. Imagine if the kid started kicking around with skates or tried to hit him his stick.

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While I'm still on the fence a bit about this (reading initial stories, then Milbury's account this weekend), I can't help but think that this could have been avoided if Milbury had grabbed his own kid, while the other coach grabbed the kid who was harrassing Milbury's instead of the other way around. But I wasn't there and don't know how it all shook out.

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This could also be a money grab by the other kid's family. First you report an "assault" and then you ride the civil suit train to a nice settlement.

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Makes you wonder if the Brookline police acted simply to protect themselves from what the press might say, if they hadn't acted. It'll be interesting to see what happens at the preliminary hearing. The standard isn't that tough, so if Milbury isn't bound over for trial, it will have been a pretty weak case.

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We had a similar incident in town where a coach did the same thing, but it wasn't to break up a fight; it was to beat up the other kid. Slapped him around and shook him in the penalty box. Was arrested, really don't know where it went after that.

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More like dismissed, since the prosecutor couldn't meet the probable cause standard, indicative of a very weak (or no) case. I'd suspect that the prosecutor would not have taken it this far if the case didn't have as high a profile, and didn't want it to look like preferential treatment. Prosecutors generally have way too many cases, and won't waste their time with clear losers.

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