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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What part of the stick breaks for you

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Hello All,

I am trying to do a little research and wanted your input on where you break sticks usually (not meaning on the ICE). Lets limit it to the past 6 months, so we are not talking about much older sticks. Please include the stick type and where on the stick you broke them, how it broke (ie. One timer, slash, etc.) also how much time you got out of it. As much information as you want to share and pictures if you have are appreciated.Thanks in advance and please if you would speak to your experience. I look forward to the info.



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I broke a dolo dd right at my lower hand on a wrister, after about 5 months of use, a blade on an x60 after a hard pass after about 7 months of use. That's it within the past 6 months, hope it helps!

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I broke a dolo dd right at my lower hand on a wrister, after about 5 months of use, a blade on an x60 after a hard pass after about 7 months of use. That's it within the past 6 months, hope it helps!

How often did you play within those months? (ie hour a week)

And thanks for the reply

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I've only broken one stick at the lower hand (my right) twice and that was a 3yr old stick the other was a RBK 7k that broke at the hosel when I went to shoot and someone slashed it at the same time. Other than that, my blades break roughly every 3-4months depending on how much ice time or one-timers I shank off of the toe.

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Over the past six months I've broken two Reebok 4k's. The first one broke on a slap shot, right at the hosel. I had that stick for about two months, roughly 6 hours of use per week. The second one broke on a wrist shot, about six inches below my bottom hand. I had that stick for about a year, same usage as the first one.

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I usually have the blade break on shots - most blades chip at the tip of the toe on my sticks. If the shaft breaks, I find that it breaks in half - usually on faceoffs.

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Blades for me, though the last several shafts that have broken for me have all been on the back side of the shaft on the follow-through.

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How often did you play within those months? (ie hour a week)

And thanks for the reply

I play about 5 hours or so a week, and one of those hours is an open rink just me and a goalie, so I'm taking lots of shots.

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TOtal one in the shaft after 2 months, RS in the blade after 1.5 month. TO is from a slapshot and the RS is a wrist shot. X50 broke shaft from wrist shot. supreme one80 in the lower shaft from a one timer after 1 month

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Reebok 7V/7K Pro Stock, broke right in the middle of the blade. No certain incident caused it. Got about 6 months out of it playing abouit once a week.

CCM U+ (not CL). Broken right in the middle of the shaft. Used for 1 month, maye 5 sessions of stick and puck. Replaced under warranty by CCM and was given a U+CL.

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My son broke a Rbk pro stock 7K grip at the hosel. Repaired with stick-fix, then he broke the blade at the toe. He broke it after 3 months, playing 3 hours per week and practicing 1.5 hours per week.

I broke a TPS Response Lite pro stock at the blade also. It split along the seam at the top and bottom. I broke it after 3 months, playing 3 hours per week.

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I've broken three Total ones in less then three months they all seem to break between the hands. Broke a CCM U+ Pro two days ago after using it for a month and I broke it at the blade. I broke a Widow last night after 3 games of use and it broke mid blade. So some sticks just have different breaking points for me.

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Easton S16, Blade broke in half on a one timer.

Bauer one90, snapped the shaft on a faceoff.

I'd been using both sticks on/off for about 4 months and they both broke within 2 weeks of each other.

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bauer supreme one 80 less then a month at about where the hosle maybe a little above. Not too sure how it broke noticed a crack in the shaft and the next slap shot i loaded up on it was done for. Time on the ice per week rangers from 1.5 hours to 3 give or take. Bauer sent me a replacement stick has been going strong for 2 months now

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I broke a Dolomite last weekend right at the heel (it had a hole that had developed in the heel. Always seems to happen with Warriors)

Also broke a Widow that had light use about 2/3 of the way down the shaft about three weeks ago.

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In regards to OPS, warriors dolomite spyne (and warrior double dd broke vertically in the middle of the blades. Easton SE16 and RS blades become very soft for me at least 3weeks in until they slowly crack. On thr other hand bauer one95s break around the bottom 1/3 of the shaft after a few months give or take a couple weeks.

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I've used the same Dolomites for about 4 years now (yes, they're not 6 months old, but I'm quite confident they compare to the newer Dolomites); for me they break-down slowly from prolonged use, sometimes the internals have gone (whereby two parellel horizontal cracks will appear on the backhand side of the blade) and other times the toe will just chip requiring it to be repaired by myself.

To give this some context; I'm a big guy using 95 flex shifts, but think I'm quite easy on my sticks because I've only ever been able to snap Easton Synergy SL/SE blades in half during play and I've never broken a composite shaft. I bounce between Forward and Defence, I take a good mixture of slap/snap/wrist shots but I don't take many face-offs and virtually no one-timers. I usually play 2 hours a week.

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normally just above the blade/low on the shaft, but both one95s I've had have broken near the top of the shaft, one about fourteen inches from the handle, possibly due to the higher kick-point

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Mission titanium in the lower shaft where the titanium weave was (figure that one out) on an outlet pass on the powerplay, Used it for maybe 5 hours in total.

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