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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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$75 Stealths!

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  JR Boucicaut said:
Did you read the part about ACTIVE members? Even if you register today, you won't be considered active...
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I believe you would be considered active if you are able to post, which would mean as long as you can log in, you are eligible for this donation.

Quote from Guru:

"If you logged on and were able to post, you are ACTIVE. If you have never been banished for offensive language or inappriate attacks on other mb members and never mentioned, lindros, vapor, vapor skates skates, t-blades or .... , you are in good standing :-)."

Correct me if I am wrong.



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  Eazy_b97 said:
It's difficult to get onto the EMB, people have tried for a while and just not been sent confirmation. It took me a few months to get in. I don't see a problem if you sent a note with the adress you would like it shipped to, why and the curve you would like.
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Yea, but would I want to take that risk with my 100 bucks? I give stuff to charity, but if I'm going to give 100 bucks and not get a stick I'd rather give 100 bucks to something in my own community.

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  Tokes said:
Yea, but would I want to take that risk with my 100 bucks? I give stuff to charity, but if I'm going to give 100 bucks and not get a stick I'd rather give 100 bucks to something in my own community.
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First part is toward you, how difficult it is.

Second part is towards the people who are worried about address changes.

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  JR Boucicaut said:
I remember in past years he stressed being an active AND participating member.

I mean, the title of this thread says it all...

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He said being active just includes "If you logged on and were able to post, you are ACTIVE. ". So I guess it doesnt have a lot to do with posting and contributing to EMB a lot. I post somewhat frequently on there anyways.

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Guys, you do whatever you want.

I just hope you do it for the right reasons.

All I have to say is that you guys talk so much shit about EMB but alas, a free stick, and it's all good...

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it is a nice gesture by easton, they get a small write off and some good publicity and use their power/status to help the poor. Jr, i understand your point about donating just because of a free stick, would you use that same logic in me donating to a church over toys for tots or some other non-religous charity? in other words, any type of donations bring some "self-satisfaction" to who ever is donating but brings much more happiness to those who are getting the donations

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  Kovy_Ribs_Fedo said:
People donate for the 75$ Stealth stick. Or they have to drop 200US$ to have one. So they say it's for the donations, but it's for the 75$us stealth.
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Exactly ...

Some people "donate" to get something in return for a discount. Others donate (without the quotes) for nothing. While others do both.

I dont see anything wrong with any of the above as long as the less fortunate come out ahead.

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My family donates each year at Christmas time. This year, it'll just be to a different, but just as worthy charity. JR does have some good points, though. It pisses me off when kids get greedy about this and ask about getting multiple Stealths.

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Actually like I said earlier.. I tried to register to the Easton message board over a year ago.

The fact is that I'd like one of these sticks and if some kid gets a $75 toy and I get a $200 hockey stick, then everyone wins, right?

I'm not going to go on about what I donate and who I donate to, but it's kind of silly to knock people for donating whether or not they get something out of it.

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  Vishi05 said:
Actually like I said earlier.. I tried to register to the Easton message board over a year ago.

The fact is that I'd like one of these sticks and if some kid gets a $75 toy and I get a $200 hockey stick, then everyone wins, right?

I'm not going to go on about what I donate and who I donate to, but it's kind of silly to knock people for donating whether or not they get something out of it.

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Very well said.

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I don't really see a problem with it. Not many people are going to walk down the street, see a panhandling child, and give him/her $75 for toys. Obviously, it'll convince a lot more people to donate if they get something in return. It's a win-win situation, and is a great project for Easton to organize.

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I NEVER said there was nothing wrong with accepting a stick. But it sure looks like more people are concerned about getting the stick than giving the toys. Especially the ones who bash the EMB then suddenly are all about it...

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