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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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silverback hockey

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a couple of guys who claimed to be working for the company came to a pick-up game the other night and brought a bunch of the sticks for guys to try. I did not try any, although, I held one in my hands. first impression was that the stick was very similar in design and feel to the bauer vapor series, slightly blade heavy to my liking. can't say anything for the shot and puck feel, though...

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Just read they are seling the sticks at TSR....

what rink was it @ bagsbie? North Shore area?

yeah, they did mention teaming up with Brandon and selling those at TSR. Phillips Academy rink. and they have a few sticks for sale at the shop there.

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Yes, i was at phillips acad. two weeks ago, and I saw the silverback sticks, also held it in my hands and is similar to the APX bottom to top weight ratio, but more along the weight of a warrior.

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Hi all,

The most current model of the silverback line is the "chrome". The stick is 428grams, full 12K wrap (blade and shaft), 4 sided concave shaft, low kick point, gorilla grip texture for enhanced grip.

The shaft is more along the lines of the totalone than the APX if we are comparing to Bauer sticks. We are currently selling them at TSR in their main shop in Salem NH.

Our website is http://www.silverbac....com/index.html

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Welcome to MSH.

I've had to edit your post. If people want to ask questions, they can do so in this thread; they do not have to email you personally.

Second of all, please don't redirect our members to your Facebook page for contests. That is soliciting and is a rule violation.

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is there going to be a LTR on these? could be interesting...

They have not offered to provide product to review

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Hi All

what is a LTR ?? I might be open to this review if I could get some details.

Our company is based in Massachusetts

New stick out in October. Chrome-O will rival all the top end sticks for 30% less. We also have a lower price point stick being released at the same time. ( 433G /Kevlar wrap top to bottom/low kick/Gorilla Skin)


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