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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Aussie Joe

Any of you work in Emergency Services?

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My wife is a dispatch supervisor, so I imagine her stories are far better than any fire/police/emt would have, with all the stupid 911 callers. I'll have to ask her for a couple :)

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I work in Federal Corrections in Canada. Been doing the Corrections Officer job for over 17 years. I could fill a book with the situations I've experienced while on the job. Some funny, some quirky, some where there was a brush with danger and some down right gory.

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I've been working as an ER doctor for almost 10 years now, just outside of Toronto. In 10 years I've seen some pretty crazy things, some funny, some not-so-funny, and some pretty disgusting things, but I love it because each day is something new.

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Hey guys, I heard on the TV show 'Flashpoint' on CTV that Valentine's Day is traditionally a 'busy' day in terms of emergencies and crime due to it being a more emotionally volatile time of year. Any truth to this?

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I have been a Fireman/Emt for the past 13 years. I worked as a wildland Firefighter for two season before that.

I love my job!!!!

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EMT-B. I've only worked for the private sector so I don't have as many cool stories but I still love the job.

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Firefighter/Paramedic for 12 years and worked in one of the busiest ER/trauma centers in the country as my side job for 13 years. I love my job, especially since my department doesn't have any ambulances.

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For the last 5+ years been working as a Police officer - worked in two countries to date (New Zealand and Australia). Valentines is a non event here though xmas and new years is crazy time.

I love the job, but limits my playing time.

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