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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Favorite all time stick?

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1. Christian Brothers Fiber Flex or Super Stick 200 w Broten Curve (wish I could find another one)

2. Easton Blue T-Flex 100 Aluminum w Roenick Blade (wish I could find another one)

3. Z Bubble Grip 100 Flex (w composite standard blade)

4.. The first gold Synergy Grip. When I broke it I put a Synthesis pro stock Roenick blade in it. Loved it!

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Canadien 5001 from when I was a kid. Would probably think it was a 2 x 4 now but I loved it back then.

I 2nd the canadian. kinda dates us though

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Very 1st Synergy. 100 flex Lidstrom. Too stiff for me but started the revolution. ( yes I know a few other "Busch" began earlier). I loved that stick. I know that the shaft is still haunting hockey some where.

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very first synergy as well. the one with the sandpaper blade in yzerman. unreal twig. also koho revolutions were pretty sick

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Titan Pro Lite sticks seemed so far ahead of their time. Great response for a wood/graphite/abs stick. Some of the old Koho Revolutions. I don't care what anyone says, they don't make sticks like that anymore. They were pretty durable, too.

I don't miss it, because I still have it, but I'm gonna cry when my Easton Synthesis shaft goes. I found its perfect blade - Harrow/Christian Lidstroms tyle curve. Seems very strong, but I rarely use it anymore now that I have my Reebok 8.0.8 Hedman. It's got a lot of the same qualities that I prefer as a defenseman. Both have square toe, but the 8.0.8 keeps my shot down, because it's not open-faced like the Lidstrom. I'm also gonna shed a tear when my One95 Gagne curve goes. That's a nice curve for a d-man. Nice saucer pass, late rising slap shots, less pronounced than Backstrom/Sakic. Both the Hedman and Gagne curves make me want to twist the Lidstrom curve to have less heal.

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I generally gravitate to sticks with lower kick points... Reebok 11K P87A Reg is my all time fav.. Great blend of explosive release, balance, and feel... The two 11Ks that I have had have both been very durable.

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Reebok 8.0.8 O-Tech Pro Stock Crosby curve.

It was my very first composite stick that I got from a stick manufacturer friend. I broke it on the boards after a stupid play.

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I generally gravitate to sticks with lower kick points... Reebok 11K P87A Reg is my all time fav.. Great blend of explosive release, balance, and feel... The two 11Ks that I have had have both been very durable.

x2, i have had my 11k for 6-7 months and it holds up surprisingly well(used 2-3 a week), the blade usually softens after a few months for me or cracks even, recently happened to me with a x60 and the new ccm cl(some people think the 11k and the cl is the same, not true), even broke a dolomite in 2 days two weeks ago.

The 11k has and incredible pop and solid feel imo. Amazingly durable stick for the weight after all the beating and banging. I am using a 75 flex p40 curve.

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NBH One95 (Shaft)....77 Flex....P91A, P92, PM9, P88 (Blade)


I know the feeling...broke my One95 P91A blade...and yet to find a replacement. Searching eBay USA everyday lol, close to giving up. Was going to get a Total One but my mate's one just snapped after having it for a week or two. Not impressed at the durability. Think we have been spoilt owning such a great stick - nothing is close.

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I'd have to say either the original silver Synergy or a two-piece setup of my favorite Cyclone graphite shafts with a Z-Carbon blade. I've found sticks I've loved since then, but for some reason, I always had the best luck and most fond memories with those two setups.

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I know the feeling...broke my One95 P91A blade...and yet to find a replacement. Searching eBay USA everyday lol, close to giving up. Was going to get a Total One but my mate's one just snapped after having it for a week or two. Not impressed at the durability. Think we have been spoilt owning such a great stick - nothing is close.

so true...

Total One durability is shizer (Blade and Shaft both)

It made me switch to Warrior.

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NBH One95 (Shaft)....77 Flex....P91A, P92, PM9, P88 (Blade)


I know the feeling...broke my One95 P91A blade...and yet to find a replacement. Searching eBay USA everyday lol, close to giving up. Was going to get a Total One but my mate's one just snapped after having it for a week or two. Not impressed at the durability. Think we have been spoilt owning such a great stick - nothing is close.

Have the shaft but broke the blade when giving up a GTG with :15 left. Tried to superglue the heel but it was never the same. I actually found the T1 shaft to be better but the one95 blade had far superior puck feel.

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Total One durability is shizer (Blade and Shaft both)

My experience is different - T1 is holding up great so far after about a month: no structural and min cosmetic damage

APX was trashed long before

One95 was my favorite for 3 years, but I personally like the feel and release of T1 better.

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That's odd... TotalOne shaft lasted me 2 months.... One95 lasted for 2 years. T1 blade lasted me for 3 months.... One95, more than 6

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That's odd... TotalOne shaft lasted me 2 months.... One95 lasted for 2 years. T1 blade lasted me for 3 months.... One95, more than 6

Fair enough, I haven't had t1 for this long and was mainly referring to the fact that it seems to be holding up well for me thus far plus there isn't a lot of report proving otherwise... The time will tell...

The One95 was a tank for sure - I still have a few left after 2 years that are still playable, but lost their pop...

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