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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What are you getting for Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza

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well, if i was nice enough this year, santa might bring me something special :unsure: lol

in all seriousness though, i really want one of those tiny ps2's, with san andreas and gran turismo 4 (when it comes out)

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Won't be getting all of these, but my list is:


XV Shaft/Blade

Stealth (toy drive if I do it)

Novius Tapered Grip (White)


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well, if i was nice enough this year, santa might bring me something special :unsure: lol

in all seriousness though, i really want one of those tiny ps2's, with san andreas and gran turismo 4 (when it comes out)

The tiny ps2 has trouble with san andreas, the motor is weaker.

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I've got a Bowflex on my list, but thats slim because of the space/ height of my room. Realistically

Si-Core Grip Drury

Track/ Wind Suit

CD/ DVD Holder

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I dont really have anything I need, but as for wants:

Tivo(for those classic reruns they show on the Fox Sports Nets)

Wouldnt mind trying out a Stealth/XN10

Itech Visor (either half or pro wave)

Some Forensics/Mystery Novels(Only written by Patricia Cornwell)

Aqua Teen Hunger Force Volumes 1-3

Maybe if im good the first couple of seasons of CSI:Vegas

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Video games, clothes, chocolate, money, gift certificates, books. Thats what i usually get every year, with a few other things.

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well, if i was nice enough this year, santa might bring me something special :unsure: lol

in all seriousness though, i really want one of those tiny ps2's, with san andreas and gran turismo 4 (when it comes out)

I already have Gran Turismo 4 = ) I've had it since march.

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I've getting 400$ CDN and my christmas sock full of razor blades, gum, stuff like that. I'll probably get something from my brother that I don't know, same for my father and my god mother and god father.

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coal... Just plain old coal! :angry:

Actually, being a dad, I have to actually buy presents this year. My oldest son's getting some cool hockey gear, though!

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