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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wow man, my prediction is tons of ankle/foot injuries with the new Pro Tacks...they definitely look too low to be a regular ice hockey skate, but once again, is the Jr. Stealth going to weigh 295g? Becuase that's what it looks like, but the picture is kinda glared at the weight

EDIT: Yes, I can see that it will be, because the Stealth Grip Jr. is at 300g, and the Grip versions are always 5g's heavier than the reg.

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I can only imagine how the Pro Tacks will do since they are so low, personally I think sales will definitely go down, a lot, on Pro Tack skates in '05, if that's when they come out

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i think the protacks will compete well with the Supreme line.. its a comfortable skate.. its just a matter of what fits people properly right? we really cant base it on being low-cut. However, you are correct probably because on a national stage..little things like that do have an overwhelming affect on product... alot of it today is looks believe it or not

Anway, im goin to work now boys... ill check this probably every half hour.. LOL... Ill also get those pics... right now i need to get Rbk colours of helmets and anything else? ill take some hi res gloves pics probably.. let me know.. oh ya and blade patterns..

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Yeah you got a point, looks has to do with a lot of players buying their equipment these days, like why I haven't seen many players with the very ugly Synergy color Airs, you would need radiation glasses for them gloves!!! But yes, little things do have a very very very hig heffect on products

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our depth of knowledge goes far further then you realize. We have meetings etc. with companies months in advance to preview product.
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That's the benefit of being part of the SFS group. There are a couple of groups that get similar treatment.

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Yup, amazing what buying power does for ya... :)

I should see most of the new product in the next few weeks myself. Reps are usually getting their samples and are ready to hit the road soon.

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  MINT said:
and as for the ST i think its available in only 2 patterns... ill have to double that one. Dont get too excited though its a pretty heavy stick!
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  MINT said:
ST is also avaiable in this. You can get these sticks from jr to sr.

The ST grip weighs 455 (Sr.) and has a performance of 10 and wear of 9.5. Same flexes as SL.... Modano, Sakic, Lidstrom, Gaborik. Normal ST is 5g lighter.p

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455 g is heavy for a OPS? ;)

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to me.... ya. lol. but thats just personal preference and its quite blade heavy which sucks... i hate blade heavy sticks... anyway JR... we dont talk to the reps.... we talk to the actual people who design the product etc. which makes it all that much more infomative etc... some reps are sometimes iffy eh!? lol anyway im taking the pics right now! theyll be on soon!

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those are some great pics MINT :D

as for the protacks, i think the boot looks really low because of the angle of the picture. if you took any skate and shot it from a semi-birds eye view, the picture would make the boot look really low cut. also, i'm sure it looks better in person. the rbk skates on the other hand seem doomed to be ugly

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  MINT said:
i hate blade heavy sticks... anyway JR... we dont talk to the reps.... we talk to the actual people who design the product etc. which makes it all that much more infomative etc... some reps are sometimes iffy eh!?
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What's even cooler is when product managers ASK you for insight WHILE the product is developed! ;)

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yup we get that too! arnt u just thinking like .. "give me a damn job then!!" lol

anyway heres some patterns n the colors of those helmets and better pics of the Rbk gloves and Vector gloves




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I know you don't even look at the goalie stuff, but if you get a chance, can you post some pictures of the pads and stuff....

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Those CCM and Rbk gloves are the most disgusting things I've ever seen! Does anyone else think "K-mart and Franklin" when they see the NHL logo on gear either?

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The Vector gloves are HIDEOUS, the RBK gloves aren't too bad, infact I like the design but the NHL logo has got to go. I agree with Joe, the NHL logo on the gloves reminds me of Franklin garbage.

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I'm not very excited about any of the Reebok stuff, but it may be because I'm not much of a CCM fan either. Just seems so bland and uninteresting. Not that I need alot of flash, but its just a differen't logo. I mean why even change if your going to do that?

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i completely wish reebok bombs in the market for the first couple of years. i hope they realize that makeing "NHL" equipment isn't going to sell, and that as much as performance matters, their gear needs to look at least sort of good.

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Except for the fact that all of the people in the NHL that used CCM before arn't just going to switch just because of new graphics.

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