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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior widows on sale making room for new widows

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Was at the lhs and the widows were on sale for 199 from 269. Sales guy said they are making room for the new widows. I wonder what will be different.

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The new model is called Covert DT1. It's been discussed in the gear sighting thread. Several guys were using it in the Play-offs.

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I've noticed in some shops in Vancouver they've been discounted for awhile, often pretty heavily too (more so than a lot of other outdated high end sticks just before the new models were released, i.e. discounted more than one95s were pre-TO, more than X60s were pre-Apx, more than S19s were pre-RS, etc.). Most not have sold as well as the shops expected when they placed their orders.

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Warrior comes out with new sticks so quick that it gives retailers no time to sell their stock. Just when customers start catching on and liking a stick Warrior will turn around and either change the graphics or come out with a completely new stick to replace it. Guess its not that bad of a idea though since Easton will now be changing all their sticks year to year instead of every 2 years now as well.

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I've noticed in some shops in Vancouver they've been discounted for awhile, often pretty heavily too (more so than a lot of other outdated high end sticks just before the new models were released, i.e. discounted more than one95s were pre-TO, more than X60s were pre-Apx, more than S19s were pre-RS, etc.). Most not have sold as well as the shops expected when they placed their orders.

widow's were $200 at the hockey shop about 3 weeks ago when i was there

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So does this mean that the Covert will be out this summer, or are they just way overstocked?

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Warrior comes out with new sticks so quick that it gives retailers no time to sell their stock. Just when customers start catching on and liking a stick Warrior will turn around and either change the graphics or come out with a completely new stick to replace it. Guess its not that bad of a idea though since Easton will now be changing all their sticks year to year instead of every 2 years now as well.

actually they don't. They aren't the gold standard like Bauer or Reebok sticks (notice I left out CCM purposefully) with a 2 year product cycle, however they are pretty damn close. Easton pre-EQ/RS launch fiasco were at that gold standard 2 years as well.

Warrior has given retailers plenty of time to sell their stock, its not ideal like the 2 year cycle, but its still good, and its definitely a lot better then the beginning when every year there was a new stick. The widow will be top end stick for around 18 months, the Dynasty will be the top end for atleast that same time frame. Retailers just have to be smart with their product purchasing, the same with every company.

Saying that, it would be nice if Warrior & all the companies for that matter, got onto a 2 year product cycle rotating two products. Bauer can do 3 sticks because its bauer, no one else should even consider that. That way every fall you'll have one product die and a new one replace it, while still maintaing that product that came out last year. It is nice because it gives the retailer a little leeway when it comes to purchasing product, so if they buy a little too much, they're not SOL and will have that extra time to sell the product.

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my LHS had Widows on clearance too, was contemplating picking one up until i held my Miken

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My boss just did our booking for Warrior and he told me that the Covert DT1 SR wasn't available in the Gionta curve. I am shocked and appalled. I thought that curve was pretty popular. I love my Gionta Widow 85 and was hoping to continue on with the new model. Can Miseaujeu or anyone else confirm this? Please say it ain't so.

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Select curves are available in the initial run, then the entire selection will be available in the Spring - so no need to be "shocked and appalled" because that's standard practice.

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I can wait. I'm just glad they are keeping the pattern. The "shocked and appalled" was an exaggeration. I don't think I'll go for a DT2. I've been using true one pieces for too long now. Thanks for the info.

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