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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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On ice fighting style

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It's a high risk, high reward move; If you land it it could be curtains, but if you don't you put yourself way off balance and make yourself really vulnerable. I would not go as far to call it "cheap" but I do consider it to be in poor form.

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There are alot of reasons to hold on. When you grab hold of someone you also get to control the distance, if you have a reach advantage you can try to hold them out or if you are at the disadvantage pull them in. You can also limit the type of punch by using your arm as a guard. You can block alot of wide punches or at least take some of the force off them. They either have to come over the top or upper cut. It will help you direct in which direction you want the fight to go, left or right. It can help hold you up or pull them down if you need. It makes your balance alot more stable. There is always the short jab with the hand you are holding them with.

It is not boxing. You are fighting while standing on two thin pieces of steel on a real slippery surface. Any advantage you can get helps.

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There are alot of reasons to hold on. When you grab hold of someone you also get to control the distance, if you have a reach advantage you can try to hold them out or if you are at the disadvantage pull them in. You can also limit the type of punch by using your arm as a guard. You can block alot of wide punches or at least take some of the force off them. They either have to come over the top or upper cut. It will help you direct in which direction you want the fight to go, left or right. It can help hold you up or pull them down if you need. It makes your balance alot more stable. There is always the short jab with the hand you are holding them with.

It is not boxing. You are fighting while standing on two thin pieces of steel on a real slippery surface. Any advantage you can get helps.

This is one of the huge advantages of holding onto the other guy. You can use your grappling hand/arm to limit the availability of space/force of the opponent's punching arm. This is a true advantage when the "fighter" also has the greater reach. I think this is why you see more guys kind of do the 'feeling out' for the opponent rather then the 'put your dukes up' fighting style.

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My fighting style is the karate kid crane skate blade on the face mortal kombat style .. Now back to being serious .. Is it proper to tell the other player that u wanna fight without holding or would you just keep your strategy to urself ?

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It is a fight, not some staged event for people's enjoyment. Perhaps you could ask if your opponent would like to use the Marquis Of Queensberry rules. There are a few unwritten rules like not fighting dirty, helmets off if you have a visor and to stop if your opponent is hurt. These are part of "the code" that most players understand. I have never seen any say, no grabbing or holding.

Fighting is not fun and hurts like a mother, regardless of which end you come out on. In competitive hockey there are reasons to step up. In beer league or youth hockey it' better to just skate away unless you have no other choice but to defend yourself

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It is a fight, not some staged event for people's enjoyment. Perhaps you could ask if your opponent would like to use the Marquis Of Queensberry rules. There are a few unwritten rules like not fighting dirty, helmets off if you have a visor and to stop if your opponent is hurt. These are part of "the code" that most players understand. I have never seen any say, no grabbing or holding.

Fighting is not fun and hurts like a mother, regardless of which end you come out on. In commutative hockey there are reasons to step up. In beer league or youth hockey it' better to just skate away unless you have no other choice but to defend yourself

What is "commutative hockey"?

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This is one of the huge advantages of holding onto the other guy. You can use your grappling hand/arm to limit the availability of space/force of the opponent's punching arm.

The trick to holding on is to hold your opponent at the shoulder joint of their punching hand with your punching hand because it limits their effectiveness.

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