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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Warrior Dynasty Stick Lineup

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Guys, I think it's unfair to ask a Warrior product manager to answer questions on how his stick compares against the competition. While I am sure they compare competitors' sticks during their testing sessions, I feel it puts him in a tough spot here.

Let the members who use the stick answer those questions.

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As some of you know, the Dynasty series will launch tomorrow.

We and Warrior have partnered for the launch; there will be an ad running for the month of February as well as a Long-Term Review session for the AX1 (as well as the Covert DT1).

We appreciate our relationship with Warrior, and it will be a good thing to get guys on MSH onto the sticks.

And as with ANY review, please don't ask a question in the review post, as it will always be deleted. If you have any questions for the reviewers, please ask it in this thread.

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Guys, I think it's unfair to ask a Warrior product manager to answer questions on how his stick compares against the competition. While I am sure they compare competitors' sticks during their testing sessions, I feel it puts him in a tough spot here.

Let the members who use the stick answer those questions.

Thanks JR. Though I will always do my best to answer all questions...it is really hard for me to describe "feel". Everyone feels sticks differently, so it is tough.

I am doing the LTR on the AX1 and I frequent this thread so if you have any questions for me feel free to post or PM me.

All sticks shipped and should be receiving today...the latest Tuesday to Cal. Our boy in England should receive his next week.

Thanks to all the LTR contributors and the info gathered/shared should be amazing. There are players at every level of play and age. Should be very interesting findings for all involved. Special Thanks to MSH for gathering a great pool of players.

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I'll ask my usual question. What's the best "bang for your buck" stick in the line? that's where I usually spend my $

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The Dynasty and Evo were both produced by a supplier that we no longer use.

Dynasty AX1 and AX2 are both made at our own factory in Mexico. Better control for quality, better materials, better process. You should be very pleased if you demo or purchase the new Generation Dynasty/AxySym product.

As JR said, very hard to compare sticks (also very hard to tell someone how something "should" feel)

BUT...from the sticks we demo'd at the SFS demo event, buyer/members commented on how easy the stick felt to load and release into the puck...I heard it multiple times from multiple separate demo groups.

Makes sense. I'm not sure if I want to go with the 55 or 70 flex on my AX1. I used a 55 for my first gen dynasty and evo. Turned into noodles in no time.

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I ended up getting a 55 flex AX1 tonight and played with it an hour later. Oh my goodness!

This is an amazing stick. Shots pop off real nice and it doesn't feel like it's going to turn into a noodle. Amazing job warrior did with this one!!

I love my AX1!

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I ended up getting a 55 flex AX1 tonight and played with it an hour later. Oh my goodness!

This is an amazing stick. Shots pop off real nice and it doesn't feel like it's going to turn into a noodle. Amazing job warrior did with this one!!

I love my AX1!

What's your weight? 55 flex would put you around 140lbs?

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I ended up getting a 55 flex AX1 tonight and played with it an hour later. Oh my goodness!

This is an amazing stick. Shots pop off real nice and it doesn't feel like it's going to turn into a noodle. Amazing job warrior did with this one!!

I love my AX1!

Glad you like the stick. Sorry I didn't reply quick enough on your 55vs70 question, but I would have recommended to stick with the 55flex. You should not have noodle problems with the AX1 like you did with the Evo/Dynasty Gen1.

All the best with your new stick and Thank You for your business.

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Glad you like the stick. Sorry I didn't reply quick enough on your 55vs70 question, but I would have recommended to stick with the 55flex. You should not have noodle problems with the AX1 like you did with the Evo/Dynasty Gen1.

All the best with your new stick and Thank You for your business.

You guys are the greatest. Thank you for participating on the board and for the great customer service!

PS- When does the rest of the AX line come out? Might have to pick up an AX2.

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Strong Arm is an All New Technology feature for the Dynasty AX1. It is the first time we have engineered a composite super-structure to build up the lower part of the stick to help hold the blade extra stable. The technology was developed with the help of pro players looking for added twist and stability improvements to their sticks. BigZ himself was an early adopter and still uses it on his shafts close to his connection. Strong Arm does exactly what it implies...holds the blade strong.

Here's how Strong Arm works:


But as you all know, it's about feel so here's a video from our testers last summer on how StrongArm feels vs. Dagger Taper. Very cool feedback.


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Continuing to hear great things out there about the Dynasty AX1. There's just something about the feel and kick of this stick that is getting noticed.

I got this email from one of our dealers who got to try one out:

So today after teaching my one group, I had an empty rink and the AX1 Dynasty. I must say, that stick is amazing. Compared to the sticks I've previously used and still have (RS, APX, DT1) this stick beats them all. I'm much more of a slapper/snapper kinda guy and the kick i got off of this beats them hands down. I even took a clapper from the far blue line and went bar down.... pretty impressive if you ask me... ( talking about the stick, not me)...

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I have used the AX1 stick in 5 or 6 games now and I have to say it's the best stick I've used to date. It knocked off my previous favorite, the one95. I was using a Nexus 1000 but that has been relegated to a backup.

The AX1 has a really great kick to it, it loads very evenly and get you a lot of power. If you are a mid-kick player, this is the stick, in my opinion. I think the combination of the StrongArm and HighFuse aren't just marketing, I'm a believer. It really feels like the hosel is twisting a lot less or maybe even not at all on snappers/slappers; that, combined with the stiffer blade and I think my accuracy has definitely improved. And the feel on this stick is amazing, they nailed it. I might have to stock up on this stick if they ever decide to change their blade construction (I might stock up anyways...). Warrior has made a great stick here.

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Me to, about 56. I was at stick and shoot today with a few dudes way more experienced than me and the goalie goes, ur slapper is the best out here. I think it was definite aided by the dynasty. Never got that comment before.

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Will you be able to customize these in the near future? More specifically with a Vanek curve ;] ??

i believe miseaujeu mentioned in the covert thread that going forward, the custom dolo option will change to dynasty ax2 construction. i think he also mentioned the future seems to be undecided for custom ax1 though. check the covert thread, pretty sure that's where i saw it.

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any pro's using the ax1? either as dt1 repaints or stright grapics? i am trying mine out tonight and can not wait!!


Chara uses features in the AX1-retail construction (Strong Arm, New Blade, AxySym, HiFused) but he chooses a shaft/blade combo (old habit).

Henrique uses a AX2 construction, but dressed as AX1 Red.

Campbell uses a AX2, but dressed as AX1 Red.

Will you be able to customize these in the near future? More specifically with a Vanek curve ;] ??

A bit up in the air right now for AX1.

DT1 for sure as well as AX2 for sure.

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