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what adults use intermediate sticks

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what stick and what's the flex?

Did you have to cut it down?

what's your experience level?

Been skating/playing for about 7 months now and have been using 75 flex senior sticks cut to about 56-57 inches. so depending on the stick, that is about 2-6 inches cut off. i think i've realized recently that i'm not able to take advantage of the flex of the stick or "load" it correctly. i'm sure it's something I'll pick up over time, but until then i was thinking about going down to a 70 flex intermediate stick (dt-1). Just seeing what other people are using.

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When I played roller I used an Easton 65-flex intermediate. I liked the extra flex when playing with the lighter puck. However, for ice I bounce between an 85-flex and 75-flex because I feel an intermediate stick flexes to much and, for me, the release is to slow. Shaft dimension differences between the intermediate and senior stick never seemed to bother me.

One thing I did not like about using the intermediate is that when digging for the puck on board battles I could feel it flex. With the 75 and 85 flex senior sticks I don't notice that happening.

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I had started using a 75-77 flex senior stick, cut down to my chin in skates. Lately (last week) I cut an extra 2" off, just to try it. I ended up having a really good game last night.

I also have a Bauer 67 flex intermediate, which interestingly enough is the same length off the shelf as what I used to have my sticks. So I think in the future I'll be buying intermediate and cutting it down. I like the shaft dimensions of an intermediate stick better anyway.

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My first composite was a Winnwell repainted Vapor XXX, senior, 300 flex (Inno scale) P10, I started off with it cut to my nose in skates (I'm 5'7) and began gradually cutting shorter and shorter. Even when I had it at nose height it was too stiff and so obviously it got worse and worse the shorter it got. Since then I've used a One95 shaft/blade combo, ops grip One95, Harrow 2pc, 2 Base sticks (one ops and one shaft) and an Easton S19, all intermediates.

The S19 had the best release, and it's shaft dimensions feel the best in my hands; but again cut to the length I like, it's a bit too stiff for me to get a good shot off consistently in a game. I've had the best luck getting good shots off in a game with the Base sticks, they offer intermediates in 45, 55, 65, 75, and 85 flex. My first one was a 55, a nasty slash killed it, so I got a 45 flex shaft after that. It's cut down about 3 or 4 inches and the flex feels great for me. The stick itself doesn't have the same pop as my S19, I'd like to get a Mako2 60 flex somewhere down the line especially with the E28 pattern available. I'm also very interested in the Nexus line and have thought about getting a 600, but my current sticks are holding up for the time being.

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My first composite was a Winnwell repainted Vapor XXX, senior, 300 flex (Inno scale) P10, I started off with it cut to my nose in skates (I'm 5'7) and began gradually cutting shorter and shorter. Even when I had it at nose height it was too stiff and so obviously it got worse and worse the shorter it got. Since then I've used a One95 shaft/blade combo, ops grip One95, Harrow 2pc, 2 Base sticks (one ops and one shaft) and an Easton S19, all intermediates.

The S19 had the best release, and it's shaft dimensions feel the best in my hands; but again cut to the length I like, it's a bit too stiff for me to get a good shot off consistently in a game. I've had the best luck getting good shots off in a game with the Base sticks, they offer intermediates in 45, 55, 65, 75, and 85 flex. My first one was a 55, a nasty slash killed it, so I got a 45 flex shaft after that. It's cut down about 3 or 4 inches and the flex feels great for me. The stick itself doesn't have the same pop as my S19, I'd like to get a Mako2 60 flex somewhere down the line especially with the E28 pattern available. I'm also very interested in the Nexus line and have thought about getting a 600, but my current sticks are holding up for the time being.

Sorry to be a bit off-topic, but how old are you? You seem like a teen based on the flexes you've chosen, but your grammar and general grasp of the English language seems far too advanced for a teen in 2013.

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Do you take fewer/"gentler" slappers with a 50-65 stick, for fear of breaking it?

I just bought a 65 eq30. It's got a low kick point, so I'm hoping it will help me with my wristers.

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I would love to try out an intermediate stick but for reasons beyond my understanding Easton and Warrior don't offer my curve (Lidstrom/Getzlaf) in intermediate sticks. I was able to get a custom Warrior with a 65 flex done in my curve but nothing off the rack.

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I would love to try out an intermediate stick but for reasons beyond my understanding Easton and Warrior don't offer my curve (Lidstrom/Getzlaf) in intermediate sticks. I was able to get a custom Warrior with a 65 flex done in my curve but nothing off the rack.

Generally those sticks are designed to take a whole lot more abuse along the boards (square toes), holding the point, scooping loose pucks off the wall, etc. Coupling them with a SR shaft at least 75 in flex helps those curves achieve results.

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I am an adult (29) who is 5'6'' and around 140 lbs. I'm like a big Pee Wee or a small Bantam.

Intermediate sticks are perfectly suited for someone of my strength and height.

In my opinion, it's an under-marketed stick category. I skate mostly in lower to mid-level pick-ups... most of the guys I skate with can barely load their 80-110 sticks, yet they pretty much unanimously use senior flexes.

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I have an intermediate Warrior Bentley, 70 flex. I'm 6' tall and weigh 225, and normally use senior 77 flex Bauer sticks, with about 3" cut off. I bought the Bentley because it was the same size as a senior stick, with a much lower flex, just to see how it feels. I've found that it's not quite stiff enough for me to use in games, but I use it for coaching, occasionally. I can't get as much snap out of it as I do from a 77 flex stick.

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I have small hands. I use an eq50 intermediate for roller hockey and I love it. Though I've found it doesn't perform as well on ice with the heavier puck. 5'10" 170lbs

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I am an adult (29) who is 5'6'' and around 140 lbs. I'm like a big Pee Wee or a small Bantam.

Intermediate sticks are perfectly suited for someone of my strength and height.

In my opinion, it's an under-marketed stick category. I skate mostly in lower to mid-level pick-ups... most of the guys I skate with can barely load their 80-110 sticks, yet they pretty much unanimously use senior flexes.

I see the (sort of) opposite around here. several of the female players (and some smaller guys too) I know are about your size or smaller and they'd go to the Thrashers or local ECHL sale and buy pro stock sticks that were 100 flex to begin with, cut them down and then wonder why they couldn't lift the puck. uh, maybe because you're playing with about a 150 flex stick now???

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I'm 5'6" 165, and not very strong (sedentary lifestyle nowadays, except for the occasional drop in/stick and puck session). Currently using int. SE 16's (60 and 65 flex) cut down to 51 inches. I know, about as short as a junior which I occasionally use (easton z-bubble jr. 50 flex). Unfortunately my SE16's are now around an 80-90 flex which is too much for me but I find the 50 flex a little too whippy. I think I need a true 60-70 flex at my preferred stick length. Might have to look into Base sticks.

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I'm 5'6" 165, and not very strong (sedentary lifestyle nowadays, except for the occasional drop in/stick and puck session). Currently using int. SE 16's (60 and 65 flex) cut down to 51 inches. I know, about as short as a junior which I occasionally use (easton z-bubble jr. 50 flex). Unfortunately my SE16's are now around an 80-90 flex which is too much for me but I find the 50 flex a little too whippy. I think I need a true 60-70 flex at my preferred stick length. Might have to look into Base sticks.

Warrior Widows are going for cheap now, and as I recall, come in a 55 flex. That might work for you.

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op: What's your height/weight/position?

5'8" 130 here and I use a 65 flex, Easton Stealth 65S. Did not cut it, love it. I almost exclusively take wrist/snap shots, though.

But it was one of the longer int. sticks I found if you need to chop it for higher flex rating.

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I'm just shy of 5'7" and weigh 145lbs. I was playing with a BASE inter 65 Flex cut down 3" so it ended up being more like 75 flex. It worked a lot better for me than any senior flex stick I've played with in the past. But it still felt a bit stiff so now I'm trying a BASE inter 55 flex cut down 3" to around 65 flex. I'm liking it so far but it's stiffer than I was expecting for a 55 flex stick but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I would probably prefer a senior sized shaft of the aforementioned flex but that doesn't exist. But I've adjusted to the inter shaft size, and having the right flex for me makes it all worth it.

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I've been using an intermediate bauer x60 75 flex. Sadly myBauer only makes the 75 flex for the total one now.

*Question- If I purchase a warrior diablo intermediate 70 flex, is the 5 flex drop very noticeable?

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Didn't mean to but my son wanted to use my stick in practice the other night. So I asked him if I could use his for coaching. We swapped. He used my 85 flex EQ30 and I used his 67 flex inter Bauer one 60. Man was I ripping shots with that thing! It was fun so I may experiment going down on flex just to try.

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