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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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for the guys that play ice and roller

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The only thing that's different are the blades I use. Since I play outdoor roller, the ABS blade is not ideal so I swap them out with wood blades (just cause they are cheaper and matched my pattern).

As a goalie, I have two different sets.

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The only hassle with one set of gear is it always seems to be wet. It's a unique experience pulling on wet smelly gear at 6am or 10pm for a practice / game / scrimmage in either sport.

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I prefer a lighter setup for roller, lower end shins, lighter elbows, I also get a lighter flex because of the puck being lighter, same pattern though..

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Everything is the same for me except I wear a padded shirt for ice and not for inline (and pants are different). I used to have different gear for each, but I found a combo I like for both.

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Same: gloves, helmet, shins, elbows

Different: stick (cheap 2-piece setup for inline), chest (no chest protection for inline), pants (inline-girdle), socks (no socks for inline)

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same setup: helmet, glove, shinpad, elbowpad, stick (only use 2 stripes across the blade for roller)

protective cup, and inline pants, inline girdle (only for outdoor)

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I wear lighter shins and elbows, light girdle instead of pants, and of course no shoulders. I also found that my leather gloves made me sweat profusely during the summer inline season, so I switched to a lighter nylon pair with mesh gussets (Warrior Bully).

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I just started playing roller, and I've been looking at getting additional gear that I'll only use for roller.. I've already forgotten to switch my skates back into my ice bag once, which was pretty annoying.

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i use same shins, gloves and helmet. for elbows i use cheaper lighter ones for for inline. i also use inline pants with light girdle (basically biker shorts with a just little padding). i use the same shafts for inline as ice but i use a p88 blade for inline and a pm9 blade for ice. for some reason it works best that way for me - not exactly sure why. i can get by with a lower flex for inline than ice.

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Same gear for roller & ice w/ the exception of wearing some light weight underarmor hip pads instead of hockey pants/girdle.

Oddly, I go with a stiffer flex stick in roller, 100 versus an 85 when I play ice.

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I use differnt shin pads and girdle. Everything else is the same: elbows, gloves, etc. Same stick, but I use a differnt tape job for ice.

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Everything is the same except: I wear a roller specific girdle and roller pants, padded shirt instead of shoulder pads, different stick (have on set for ice and one for roller but they are the same sticks).

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Different gloves for sure franchises are too hot for roller, so i go with a lightweight breathable missions. No shoulders and cheap light girdle. Same sticks for both ice and inline

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For Roller: I use the vented Mission Boss Black gloves (actually they are white!!!), Bauer Total One adaptable core, Valkin Pro pants (white), Reebok 7K helmet (white) with half shield, no shoulder pads. I share the elbows (Bauer One-95) and shins (Jofa 6070) between ice and roller.

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The only hassle with one set of gear is it always seems to be wet. It's a unique experience pulling on wet smelly gear at 6am or 10pm for a practice / game / scrimmage in either sport.

I've had this experience before and it sucks. I went from an ice pickup to a roller pickup the next morning and I put on my stuff and it was all wet. Terrible.

But I use a 75 flex stick for roller and an 85 flex for ice. Other than that I put on shoulders for ice and socks and shell replace roller pants, but that's it.

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I have completly different sets for ice and roller......bag included. I wear the same cup....sometimes i'll swap over my roller helmet with visor for ice...depending on the team we are playing and my mood. I on occasion will use an ice stick on roller for kicks. I'm not going to subject a nice stick the 'lumberjack' slashing my roller league seems to put up with.

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I used same shin, elbows, and helmet. Different gloves that breathed better. Used padded short and under shirt for roller. Shoulder pads and girdle for ice.

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Kid plays travel for both.

Different gear for both. As others have said lighter smaller shins and elbows, padded shirt vs shoulders, lighter gloves, same stick as he plays sport court.

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I use the same gloves, helmet/shield, elbows, shins and stick. I go with a girdle for roller, and shoulders/pants for ice.

If I could afford it I'd probably swap a few things out. I think my shins/elbows could be a bit better for ice, but I'm just getting going with it and am joining a beginner Rec League, so probably ok I'm guessing.

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