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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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switching back to a two piece help, it's been over 10 years

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So I'm thinking about switching back to a two piece and perhaps a wood blade. Been breaking sticks like its going out of style. I haven't used a two piece in about 10 years. The last two piece I used was a z-bubble.

I'm also thinking about going back to a wood blade or a comp blade. I found a set of custom blades i had made years ago in the attic. What are the advantages and disadvantages for a two piece besides changing out the blade. Its been so long, has the technology improved?

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Advantages are that you can more easily try different blades and curves and that when one part of the equation breaks it's les expensive to replace say just the blade than a whole stick.

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Advantages are that you can more easily try different blades and curves and that when one part of the equation breaks it's les expensive to replace say just the blade than a whole stick.

Pm sent to you btw.

Yeab but the biggest disadvantage now is the extremely poor blade selection unless you go custom again. Heck there aren't even that many shafts to choose from anymore.

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I'm looking at both a tapered and a non tapered shaft. I'm tall too which is a disadvantage. for ops i use the widow and the x60/apx at 68" from top to tow of blade. I'm 6'3

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Add a plug. Wood plug will balance it out a bit. If you don't like the weight, add a composite plug.

The blade selection really does suck if you don't use a "normal" curve.

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I made the switch back to a Shaft/Blade combo about 2 or so years ago when I happened to corner the market on tapered replacement blades in my preferred curve (RH P89/Darby/Vanek).

I've tried using wood replacement blades & I loved the feel but I've grown so accustomed to the consistent stiffness of a composite when shooting and couldn't bear how quickly wood would crap out on me after like 2 to 3 weeks.

As for shafts I've been using each iteration of Easton's tapered shaft from the EQ50, Mako, & Mako II. I never liked the feel/kick of Bauer sticks & Warriors were prone to breaking on me so I went with Easton and could not be happier. No issue with breakage and each shaft still kicks like the day I purchased them.

I don't really find any advantages from using a 2-Piece compared to a 1 piece. My decision was based on not being able to find my curve in a Pro Stock 1 piece or the company not making the pattern available at retail anymore.

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,,,Heck there aren't even that many shafts to choose from anymore.

I noticed this, was deciding between an ops and a 2 piece for my latest purchase when i realized there were no more middle of the ground shafts or blades. in the early 2000s you could get a decent shaft and a nice blade and have it cost about $110. now everything seems to have the sum of $150 or more

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I have a Vapor APX shaft and blade combo and I love it. I recently started playing again and it was my first try of having both a composite shaft and blade. It's so light and responsive. I love the balance of the stick with a little more weight towards the blade so I get a nice pop on my slapshots. The blades are getting a little tough to find, but you can get them online at all the major hockey stores. I've heard really good things about the RBK 20K shaft and blade combo. Ironically, I went into Sport Chek (Think Dick's) yesterday, and all they had were 30-40 wooden blades. It was hilarious to see them all with Sakic, Coffee, and Forsberg curves.

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I use the CCM U+ crazy strong blade/shaft combo and they're better than any OPS I've ever used. The shafts are unbelievably durable and launch rockets. The only thing I dislike is blade selection. The CS blades are very thin and tend to crack quickly, but I like the Tavares blade variant out of any other pattern.

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I just need blades now, because I can get enough salvageable OPS shafts for tapered blades. However, if the stick companies move away from the standard dimensions, e.g. those dagger or elliptical tapers, then I'll be in trouble.

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I've had gotten better durability from 2 piece setups than OPS. I don't notice enough of a difference in performance between the shaft/blade setups that I use and OPS to merit dropping the extra cash on them. I think that you may wind up giving up a little bit of balance and maybe a little weight making the switch.

I have been using old TPS shafts for a long time and find that they still stack up pretty well compared to OPS, especially since I'm just playing beer league now.

I'd buy high end shafts if you're switching to 2 pc. setups from OPS. A TO shaft might be a good place to start, if you have some standard blades around already. AK27s are nice, and pretty cheap in some places, too. If you're looking to save money, don't be afraid to buy last year's model of shaft or blade.

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i'll probably use both a tapered and a standard shaft. I like the switch off. its not the weapon its the user. give me a stick I'll try and use it.

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Used my old easton aluminum the other day. Can still snipe with it.

I personally feel if a stick is too heavy, workout harder at the gym

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If you're considering going to 2 pieces to reduce costs, I'd go with a composite blade over wood. The upfront cost will be more, but unless you get unlucky, a composite blade will last longer. Wood blades start going soft, even if you take tape off religiously.

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Warrior shafts come in a deluxe model, which is long! I am 6'6 and I only need to add 2 inches max. Plus they are great shafts!

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TotalOne Tapered shafts available online, kinda pricey though; 87 and 102 flex currently available (not sure of forum rules about posting commercial links, but if you Google then you will find it easily enough)

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I've been using APX shafts with 2012 Mako blades with great success of late. Aside from looking like there is a sock on the end of my stick, this is the best combo I've used in a while in terms of feel, kick, and value.

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