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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Your favourite tipple

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What's your favourite beer, wine, drink in general?

I ask this because I'm totally gagging for a pint, but stuck in work.

Elle x

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Too young(17) to drink but my favorite drink has to be the new Pepsi that came out, Holliday Spice or something. It has a hint of cinnamon to it. Great stuff. I doubt even when I get older I will drink alchohol, but then again time will tell.

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Stella Artois for beer. I don't usually drink hard liquor straight up (usually mix it with something) but i'll have some Soju once in a while.

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After a game all beer is great-

Top 3 are

1. Coors Light

2. Mich Light

3. Tie- Labatts& Molson


1. Goldschlauger

2. Jagrmiester

3. Soco

All sweet wine is good for me, Ice wine is the best but very $$.

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SoCo? Ugh, the nastiest girl drink around. Goldschlager's all right but the only place I had it at was JR's favourite establishment, the Dollhouse.

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Was that please delete the post or this topic? Sorry if I offended anyone! But I was surprised, I just reloaded and suddenly there were 9 replies!

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Ahh k....

Well, I'm dying for a pint of Stella Artois, or something equally foreign. There's a great Bier Halle in Glasgow where you can get some really good stuff, including some Canadian beers. Not Molson though, strangely!

Thank you people for indulging my alcoholic tendencies.

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Hey Briggy, does that wacky stuff taste like Dr. Pepper at all? I'm tempted to try, but don't wanna get a 2L just to try...

Ok, beer. My god, I love beer.

Freshly Tapped:

1. Leffe Blond

2. Carlsberg

3. Steamwhistle


1. Any of the above

2. Dragon Stout

Liquer/Mixed: In no particular order:




Creme De Cassis


A good Mojito

Hate Stella. Bleh. Overrated and uninspired, like Jagr.

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I know, but Stella is a thirst quencher. I drink more wierd beers if I'm into the taste...

Do you have pint glasses over there? I can't imagine drinking from anything else...

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Alpine all the way, it's a beer brewed here in Atlantic Canada and is only available in the maritimes.

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Beer is too hard for me, it depends on what mood I'm in. Stella's good but my favorite has to probably be Guinness.

As far as hard liquor goes, either whiskey (Irish or Canadian) or vodka, neat.

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good lord you like 151 rum? That only comes in times of desperate measure when I need to get drunk quick... tops for me though would go like this:

Beers- MGD, Stella, Moosehead (Although lately since I've been strapped for cash I've been dipping into 40 oz's like colt, black bull and axehead)

Liquor- Vodka (Smirnoff or Absolut) with red bull and OJ, Appletons and coke, any decent rum with a solid chase.

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Beer- whatever's cheap. Bud light does the trick, but if I'm not paying Killians.

Hard- Vodka, but only stoli/absolut. Smirnoff is ass, overpriced ass. I'd rather be drinking bleach bottle shit than admit to paying that much for such crap.

*Honorable mention to Absinthe. Had that in Israel...fucks you up realllllllll goodlike.

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