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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Favorite Cereal?

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fruity pebbles, fruit loops, apple jacks, capn crunh and the berry version and frosted mini wheats. shreddies are great too.

how bout when i was liek 10 and we had no milk in the house for cheerios, i used orange juice, now thats hardcore

What's wrong with OJ? If it's something neutral or fruity (Cheerios, Corn Flakes, Fruity Pebbles, etc) I actually like the taste of it and do it sometimes. If you put it into some chocolatey shit like coaco pebbles or count chocula, that's just nasty.

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lucky charms or frosted mini wheats, the new lucky charms with made from chocolate are pretty darn good

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lucky charms or frosted mini wheats, the new lucky charms with made from chocolate are pretty darn good

Lucky chrams are about the only cereal I eat. Whoa! They makes those things in chocolate now. Gonna take a ride to the store tomarrow!

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Fiber1 with Honey Nut Clusters. As a kid I used to love this stuff called Quisp. I think it was basically sugar cubes painted to look like something healthy.

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Cookie and a gold star to anyone who gets that reference.

It's from Dogma.

Dammit too late...I didn't even bother to scroll down to see of anyone else had answered it.

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