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in between pants size

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Hey guys. After being out of hockey for almost 10 years, I am going to start playing

beer league in august. Unfortunately, there is nowhere within 100 miles of me to try on gear,so I will be buying online. I'm not sure what size pants to order. I'm 5'11 30 inch waist. I think small will be too short, medium the waist might be too big. Are there any pants that the waist runs smaller than advertised or length is longer? Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

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I think even the mediums will be too short for someone your height, even if you went with a tall sizing. Your length will probably have to be a large with some good cinching of the belt.

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I'm a 32 inch waist and 6'0" and wear a medium tall in Easton Stealth 85s. They fit perfectly, and would probably work well for you too.

EDIT: It appears for some reason that Easton has discontinued long sizes in its new line. Sorry about that. Still might be worth it to look out for them on the gear page here and on ebay or in a local store.

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Small will definitely be too short. I am 5'6 and wear a small. I recently tried a pair of small Reeboks, and they seemed too short for me so I returned them. Other brand smalls fit me well though.

You can always use suspenders if you find the other sizes don't stay on your waist.

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Warrior, Bauer, ccm & tackla offer pants with + inseam length/ tall sizes.

I was going to add I saw this for the first time at my LHS on some CCM Tacks had a +1 tag on it.

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CCM TACKS do have a +1 adjustment, but an even better feature is the internal belt. Instead of trying to cinch the whole waist of the pant, you're tightening the waist from inside. That would help you a lot if you need something that's bigger than your actual waist size.

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I would go for a girdle and shell combo.. most girdles are adjustsble lengthwise.

You will sacrifice a bit protection with a girdle compared to high end pants, however that should not be a big issue when playing at beer league level..

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Or check out the Reebok 9K girdle. They are somewhat hard to find in small and medium, but not impossible. There is several inches of vertical adjustment in the thigh pads on those.

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I'm using RYR custom pants by similar reason. I'm 5'6". But retail pants are too thinner for me if I chose it by length. So I'm using RYR's and it has size.S length of retail pants but also size.M or more larger waist size (I ordered with 34" for waist).

It was so good for me but I've thought its solid pads are too big so I'm contacting with Joe Kenny now for 2nd ordering.

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Thanks for the help so far. Small is definitely out. I'm thinking about trying reebok with the adjustable length. Think that might work?

I haven't thought about a girdle/she'll but that might be something I look into.

Thanks again

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easton pro 10 or 15, has 2 adjustable locations to add length, almost every pair of large pants, or large pants with a + 1 were to short. but the easton extended all the way did the trick.

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