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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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  Xtra said:
My two lids with some rare Oakley visors obtained from my aunt that works for Oakley :-)

Mission Intake & Easton S17 lids


Oakley Fire Storm Orange tinted visor


Oakley Sub Zero Blue tinted visor


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Very cool, I'm just wondering why people on places like PHEW dislike/ chirp the mission intake?

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Very cool, I'm just wondering why people on places like PHEW dislike/ chirp the mission intake?
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Agreed, and I thought a lot of players looked pretty cool in it. Really hoping I can get my hands on an NME at some point, especially if Bauer puts their brand/logo on it. fingers crossed...

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  dsjunior1388 said:
Very cool, I'm just wondering why people on places like PHEW dislike/ chirp the mission intake?
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Agreed, and I thought a lot of players looked pretty cool in it. Really hoping I can get my hands on an NME at some point, especially if Bauer puts their brand/logo on it. fingers crossed...

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Brad Boyes was wearing a Bauer branted NME at camp a while back so we'll see

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New twig for me....Warrior Teppo Numminen HD Spyne.

Basically just like his Montreal Euro curve, deep mid, very slightly open, squareish toe...

I only got to use this for the first time today, and I love it.


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All gloves are NHL issue, mainly Habs and Rangers stock...

The Blacks TPS are Angelo Espositos, Black Eastons Gonchar, and the Black Reeboks (actually MIA's) are John LeClairs.

Not shown are my NB NBH Gomez gloves as they are hanging on my wall at work.

The sticks are Nokelainen issues with an AK27 Gomez one piece.

What can I say, I have love for the glove! :)

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  fcb51 said:
*pic of gloves*

What can I say, I have love for the glove! :)

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Drewhunz and TBLfan will be making your acquaintance soon. Not because they want your stuff, I don't know if they do or don't, but simply because they have more gloves between the two of them than a few NHL teams.

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  fcb51 said:
What can I say, I have love for the glove! :)
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Yeah and most of those look nice and big too. All these amazing gloves on this thread and they're mostly all small, these look awesome. Show us the Gomez's baby

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  Officer Dangle said:
Maaan I'd LOVE a pair of Reebok MIA's.
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Honestly they aren't as good as easton pro returns. The palms on them go soft and slippery during game quickly. In addition, after a few games the cushion behind the hand gets stubby and irritate the hand.

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Ya. They're listed as 14 but I'm sure they are 14.5 if not 15. Very comfy but I still got to work them in.

And Hammer is Dan Hamhuis.

Edited by CheesePlz

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here's what I've aquired recently:

new mitts: Black Eagle PPFi


new sticks, all pro stock:

top: Warrior Dolo Spyne Sean Avery (yes, his sloppy seconds ;) )

middle: Warrior Starskie Willie Mitchell

bottom: Easton S17 Colin Stuart



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My new, old Bauer 5000s. :)


Anyone know if these are heat moldable?

If it helps, the names are screened on not embroidered, they are made in Canada and the box is ©1996 (not that that necessarily means anything).

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