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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best selling Bauer bucket?

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What Bauer helmet do you have? What did you try on that became the runner up? The Bauer store locally said that the two best sellers were either the Re-Akt 200 (go figure) or the Re-Akt 75 out of all of them. I see 4500, 5100, IMS 9.0, ReAkt Pro VN, ReAkt 100 and 200 in pro. Probably missing a couple other models. Thinking of going with the 75 even though some fit similar, not better or worse just different. Gave that 100 a go and the Suspend Tech whatever feels weird on my head.

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The two that fit my head best were the ReAkt 75 (which I ended up buying) and the CCM Resistance 300. I didn't bother with the top end ReAkt although it fit well too, it was priced significantly higher and I could not discern an appreciable difference between it, and the 75. This was a little over a year ago FWIW, the Reakt 100 and 200 were not out yet.

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I have a R-Akt 200.  Review is in the reviews section.

I like it quite a lot, but there's no argument from me that its pretty stupidly expensive.


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I've been wearing a 7500 for the last 6 years.  Been very happy with it, other than the well documented glue issue.

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When I was a kid the best new helmet was the Bauer 5000.  I begged my dad to buy me one he did.  When I was in college I bought another 5000.  Since then I have replaced it with the 4500 and it fits my head like a dream.  Way better than the 5000.  I have used a 6K which was alright.  I have tried on Re-AKT 75, Re-AKT, Re-AKT 100 and IMS 9.  If Bauer discountiuned the 4500 and I couldn't get one I probably would go with the IMS 9 which felt the best of my head.  Still not as good as the 4500.

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I do not wear one anymore (I'm in the Tacks 310), but I'd say the 4500 is the "best selling" helmet. I was in 4500 style since they were Cooper back in the 90's, and only started shopping around in the past year. I didn't like anything Bauer was offering but love the Tacks. Swayed me away from the 4500.

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Re akt 75 here.. it’s actually the first helmet that fit my head as nicely as CCM ht2/652 and Itech hc95/hc100

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