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CCM Trigger Length and Lie

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I recently grabbed a senior CCM Trigger 4 p28 and extended it just a little like I usually do most of my sticks.

However, it felt too short for me today on the ice... yet it’s slightly longer than my old Trigger which was a perfect length for me.

My old stick is a Trigger 2 P30.

Is there a difference in the lie between the two sticks that’s making my P29 feel shorter?

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  On 1/12/2021 at 4:40 AM, start_today said:

Is the new stick a p28 or p29? You have a typo at the start or end of your post. 

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My bad, I actually have all three curves and mix up the P28 and P29 all the time for whatever reasons.

The new curve is a P28 (McDavid) and it feels shorter than the P30 I used to use.

I know the P28 is a 5 lie and the P30 is a 5.5 lie, so it shouldn’t make that much of a difference.

Never had this issue before so I’m trying to figure out what the deal is.


Edited by fliteskates

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I feel like I can tell the difference between a 5 and 5.5 lie.  I am finding I prefer a 5 lie (I'm short) as it allows me to cut the stick longer and get more of the blade on the ice the majority of the time.  Sounds like you are experiencing the same thing. 

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Source of image: icewarehouse.com


From my eye and the experience I have (used P29 P28 P30 and P88 CCM Tacks sticks), there isn't a whole lot of difference for the base of the two blades, as they're made to sit fairly similarly with the "double lie" heel and toe.

Doing some quick math on the differences in lie angle, a change in lie of 1 is approx. 2 degrees up/down for the angle of the stick, so .5 lie change is 1 degree. (https://www.prostockhockey.com/sticks/what-is-the-lie-of-a-hockey-stick#:~:text=The Minutiae,%2F47%2C and so on.)

Making a triangle out of that info, supposing your stick is 62" from ground contact to knob (though you mentioned an extension, ymmv), a change of 1 degree at the blade makes the top of the stick sit about an inch lower on the body. 

Hope this helps.


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  On 1/12/2021 at 2:25 PM, krisdrum said:

I feel like I can tell the difference between a 5 and 5.5 lie.  I am finding I prefer a 5 lie (I'm short) as it allows me to cut the stick longer and get more of the blade on the ice the majority of the time.  Sounds like you are experiencing the same thing. 

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Ya I am definitely noticing a difference.

It’s hard to explain, but I just can tell it’s a slight bit too short, despite being about the same size as my P30.

I noticed it the most at top speed trying to handle the puck and also when I was shooting, I couldn’t load up properly and had to adjust in an awkward way.

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  On 1/12/2021 at 4:04 PM, robbjbyoung said:

Source of image: icewarehouse.com


From my eye and the experience I have (used P29 P28 P30 and P88 CCM Tacks sticks), there isn't a whole lot of difference for the base of the two blades, as they're made to sit fairly similarly with the "double lie" heel and toe.

Doing some quick math on the differences in lie angle, a change in lie of 1 is approx. 2 degrees up/down for the angle of the stick, so .5 lie change is 1 degree. (https://www.prostockhockey.com/sticks/what-is-the-lie-of-a-hockey-stick#:~:text=The Minutiae,%2F47%2C and so on.)

Making a triangle out of that info, supposing your stick is 62" from ground contact to knob (though you mentioned an extension, ymmv), a change of 1 degree at the blade makes the top of the stick sit about an inch lower on the body. 

Hope this helps.


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Thx for the info

Ya this seems to make sense as it feels like I need to add about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch to my stick.

I appreciate the help.


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Depending on how you line up your sticks to measure and cut, blade length, rocker and lie can have an impact on the effective playing length of the stick. To test it out, hold both sticks together butt-ends to the ground and see how the bottoms of the blades line up. You might be surprised at how much of a difference there is in the effective playing length there can be in 2 sticks you think are cut to the same length.

Another thing to consider is the balance of the stick. A blade light stick will "feel" shorter in your hands.

Edited by chippa13
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P28’s mislabeled as a lie 5. It goes back to Easton screwing it up on launch. It’s actually a 5.5. The rocker on the toe is my guess. If you don’t roll your wrists much when shooting, the puck can flutter off the typical release point just before reaching the toe of the blade.

Edited by flip12
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Whatever the label is it’s lower than the P92/P29 and P30. The whole 5 vs 5.5 vs 6 concept doesn’t work anymore since brands can’t translate that number into anything that makes sense in the real world both across their own patterns and to other manufacturers. 

As a general rule of thumb I cut my lower lie sticks (P28/P106/PM9/P88) about half an inch longer than my P92 since they require me to carry the puck further from my feet to get the blade to sit flat. I use the P92 95% of the time these days so that’s my baseline measuring stick. 

Edited by Cavs019

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  On 1/19/2021 at 6:23 PM, Cavs019 said:

Whatever the label is it’s lower than the P92/P29 and P30. The whole 5 vs 5.5 vs 6 concept doesn’t work anymore since brands can’t translate that number into anything that makes sense in the real world both across their own patterns and to other manufacturers. 

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Definitely. To make matters worse, P28’s higher than the P46, but CCM listed P46 as a 5.5 and P28 a 5.

I’m finding I’m not nearly as sensitive to shaft length as I thought. What matters for me is balance and adjusting shooting mechanics (mostly initial wrist position?) to suit the blade’s geometry.

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How do you like the Trigger?


I have an ft3 and it shoots hard, but not the most accurate. 

probably just a mechanics thing on my end.  

But still thinking of trying a trigger.  

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