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NHL fan perks

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What should the NHL do to get fans back to the game?

1. Free center ice package for the rest of the season

2. Cut ticket prices by 50% for the rest of the season


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Or better promotions...say first 100 fans will recieve a pro stock stick...something along those lines

Most hockey fans don't play hockey.

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well, I think any season ticket holders that didn't refund deserve at least half their money back, if not more.

lots of giveaways (I mean, they schedule about 12 over 41 games anyway so why not every game)

the center ice plan should be dirt cheap, like 1/2 and include the playoffs plus next season(similar to the promo they run at the end of the season anyway).

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First few games' box office should go to "real" people who lost money from not being able to work during their hissy fit.

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First few games' box office should go to "real" people who lost money from not being able to work during their hissy fit.

Excellent point and concept.

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- Better games

- Free concessions for at least the first 10 games

- Free playoff tickets for Season ticket holders

- Call the game correctly and have it played well

- I get to coach at least 3 games :)

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NO TIES!! One OT then go into a shootout. I hate watching teams pay for a tie.

Couldn't agree more. Shootouts would add lots to the game of hockey.

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Get a TV deal done, and get stations to promote the game and new rules. Call the game right. Chadd, I like the free Center Ice package idea. Cut ticket prices, and give stuff away like at baseball games.

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I don't now about free center ice but I'd take this season and next for the regular single season price... provided there is a season. Otherwise, I don't think there is a whole lot they'll have to do to get the fans back. The people that wanted to go to hockey games still want to go to hockey games and will line right up to get tickets the minute they're available. I'm sure there will be a slight hit and we may see some discounted tickets for the "cheap seats" but I honestly don't expect much.

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Here are some of my realistic suggestions:

1) I'm down with the reduced cost for the Centre Ice package.

2) The home team gives away their game worn jerseys every game to fans in attendance. The Sabres have done this recently at the last home game of the year. It would cost the team a few thousand dollars per home game, but it would be a really nice giveaway.

3) Have the guys that are scratched sitting at a table signing autographs throughout the game.

4) More bobbleheads!!!!!

5) Have more open practices. They have been really popular in Buffalo during training camp. They should do it more often throughout the season.

6) Have town hall meetings with the owner, GM, and head coach and the fans at least once a month.

7) Have more perks for season ticket holders. One that the Rochester Americans do that my family loves is the Skate with the Team. In fact, we're going to the one this year tonight. It's always a good time. Last year I spent a ton of time talking with one of the guys on the team that I went to college with.

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