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Pickup Hockey with HotShots

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No I'm not referring to the Hot Shot wheel ;)

I'm talking about the jerks you run into when playing Pickup Hockey! This is just a simple rant to get some steam off so pardon me...

I'm seriously fed up with the way pickup hockey goes on. You've got jerkoffs that pick fights, play dirty and never change.

Tonight a kid (he's 17 I'm thinking) came out and literally picked a verbal argument with me. He's one of those "gangsta" type kids that literally thinks he's black.

But thats not what bothered me. The kid is along the boards going for the puck, my friend Russ (who is also a teammate in the men's league i play in) is fighting for the puck. The punk kid slips and falls into the boards (totally on his own).

About 10 seconds later, Russ has the puck and the punk kid is right behind him. He blatantly throws a hit and Russ goes right down onto the concrete. LUCKILY Russ didn't get hurt, but considering that we're playing on concrete, not wearing helmets and finally it was a total cheap shot Russ could've REALLY gotten hurt.

This kind of stuff just agravates me. I normally see this type of behavior coming from the younger players although I know it sometimes will occur with the adults but it's just annoying.


Feel free to share your stories....

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They're called open hockey all-stars. Every rink has them, the kids that come out and tear shit up, but put them in a game situation where people are actually trying and they suck.

And yeah, we have those "thug hockey" kids near me. Kids trying to act all ghetto, but they always have the latest equipment because they're from white as can be suburbia.

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I guess I'm lucky. The younger kids I always end up playing with and against at pick-up around here are really nice kids. A lot of them are extremely talented and have no attitudes whatsoever.

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Yeah, There are of course the younger kids you mention Fletch. But the jerkoffs are much more common.

*edit* Ooops, just realized this belongs in another section.

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the kids i play roller with are great, i became good friends with most of them. Pickup ice is another story. Allstars left and right. I've picked up and left on multiple occasions cuz i was fed up with it. I had one guy one night yelling at me, telling me what position to play on the ice.there were 8 forwards and 3 defenseman, so i figured i'd play D, more ice-time, two sets of defenseman. the guy was mad b/c i was taking away from "his" ice time. I was like sure whatever you say coach.

what gripes my ass the most is these clowns usually don't even pay, cuz they're friends with the kid who works the graveyard shift at the rink, so those of us that pay the 15 bucks are left sittin on the bench all night watching these fools. its the reason i don't even bother goin anymore

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there was this one guy that played a few weekends in a row, everyone HATED him. we drove him out of the rink one night lol, he NEVER came off the ice, and all he did was hang at the redline and take off on breakaways. Last time I played with him, he broke his synergy during warmups b4 we started a game, and noone would give him a spare. I gave him my little brothers backup stick that i had with me (only extra stick i had at the time, so it was better than nothin) It was a jr sherwood woody, mushy as all hell. First shot, he whiffed a one-timer and almost fell. He put the stick on the bench and left, LOL.

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The "punk" or "open hockey wonder" phenomenon, is not limited to kids..I have seen adults as bad or worse.......It's just some mental self image that must "turn on the cameras" in these person's heads when they step on the ice. For some reason they insist on convincing themselves that this open hockey contest is as important as any final game of a seven game Stanley Cup series.

I have seen a 45 year old guy..80 lbs overweight, bragging openly in the locker room prior to coming out for a Friday night open skate, about how many goals he scored elsewhere at his last open hockey sojourn....In fact he goes on...."they wouldn't even let me back"...... :rolleyes: The looks running around the locker room were priceless.

Then once on the rink, this guy is throwing butt ends, cross checks, elbows, face washes....etc. etc..... at 12 year olds who are able to skate circles around him....but only when they were caught against the boards or pinned by someone else.....suitable punishment as it were, for making him look bad....like he needed someone to try.....

The reward finally came when a very talented ex Major JR "A" (for the Peterboro Petes) player who was notoriously "cool" about not hurting others in a simple open hockey context, put him clean over the boards and back into the bench upside down...truly creating a "yard sale".....I guess the next rink he went to he would make the same claim one more time......."they wouldn't even let me back"

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Adults are generally worse in my area to be honest. We have some of these open hockey all-stars, but since my friends and I are fairly young (20ish) and the guys I go with are generally Tier II or higher calibre we tend to just dick around and turn it on against these guys. Usually shuts'em up pretty quickly, however the older guys are a problem because they don't let up or even get embarassed they have the "you're supposed to be better than me" mentality and just do stupid stuff like slapshots from the crease. It's generally 90% great guys and the rest are semi-assholes. Were generally out there for a skate and for something to do on a weekday summer morning (Roller isn't available so this is all ice for me) so were always really relaxed.

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I dunno hat it is, but Detroit seems to be terrible for the "hotshot" douche bags. It seems to be mostly Highschool kids, and guys in the mid 30's. The guys my age, like 20-30, dont seem to like it too much. Its the most annoying thing when you have some asshole who stays out there for 10 minutes, doesnt pass, doesnt attempt any kind of defense, and just trys to showboat. But the worst is the asshole that does all that shit, and also hacks at people. I mean its drop in hockey, not something to take seriously. I dont know about you guys, but I go for a skate, and basically just to re-fresh my skills. I mean its really a very inefficint practice.

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That's a classic MD. I think every rink has at least one of these clowns at drop in games. Thinks he's playing to hoist the Cup afterwards, quite comical since evryone else realizes a pickup game for what it is.

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I dunno hat it is, but Detroit seems to be terrible for the "hotshot" douche bags. It seems to be mostly Highschool kids, and guys in the mid 30's. The guys my age, like 20-30, dont seem to like it too much. Its the most annoying thing when you have some asshole who stays out there for 10 minutes, doesnt pass, doesnt attempt any kind of defense, and just trys to showboat. But the worst is the asshole that does all that shit, and also hacks at people. I mean its drop in hockey, not something to take seriously. I dont know about you guys, but I go for a skate, and basically just to re-fresh my skills. I mean its really a very inefficint practice.

yeah the great thing is when they start hacking, its like oh ok you wanna play hard, fine! then you give them a shot, and they start bitchin and cryin

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yeah the great thing is when they start hacking, its like oh ok you wanna play hard, fine! then you give them a shot, and they start bitchin and cryin

OMG yes. LOL

Funny thing is they come out not wearing anything but gloves (sometimes not even that).

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yeah the great thing is when they start hacking, its like oh ok you wanna play hard, fine! then you give them a shot, and they start bitchin and cryin

OMG yes. LOL

Funny thing is they come out not wearing anything but gloves (sometimes not even that).

I like those guys, seems they get in the way of my shots for some reason.

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Oh I LOVE the guys who just wear gloves and helmets at open hockey. They're ALWAYS the guys that hook the most, but put a stick on them and it's "HEY! I'm not wearin' shins!"

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We don't generally wear helmets during outdoor pickup hockey....

The smart people come out with shingaurds, gloves and elbow pads while the whiney punks always wear nothing but gloves and saggy basketball shorts hanging off of their behind.

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lol well I'm just a kid but once this guy was on the ice for 15 mins straight, and I yelled WILL YOU GET OFF THE D@MN ICE?" and then his friend asks me to fight and punches me, I pushed him and he flipped over the bench. The guy running it gave him a warning because he threw the first punch.

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We don't generally wear helmets during outdoor pickup hockey....

The smart people come out with shingaurds, gloves and elbow pads while the whiney punks always wear nothing but gloves and saggy basketball shorts hanging off of their behind.

Fewer pads = more target area.

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I dunno hat it is, but Detroit seems to be terrible for the "hotshot" douche bags. It seems to be mostly Highschool kids, and guys in the mid 30's. The guys my age, like 20-30, dont seem to like it too much. Its the most annoying thing when you have some asshole who stays out there for 10 minutes, doesnt pass, doesnt attempt any kind of defense, and just trys to showboat. But the worst is the asshole that does all that shit, and also hacks at people. I mean its drop in hockey, not something to take seriously. I dont know about you guys, but I go for a skate, and basically just to re-fresh my skills. I mean its really a very inefficint practice.

yeah the great thing is when they start hacking, its like oh ok you wanna play hard, fine! then you give them a shot, and they start bitchin and cryin

Too true, we had a guy like that show up at drop in two weeks ago and I thought the regulars were going to jump the guy

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I guess it must be a Florida thing....the young bucks down here are so disrespectful.

I've actually drilled a couple of them into the ground with a nice hit :) ;)

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Open Hockey is usually pretty cool around here. Every-so-often we get a few of the Junior C boys that come over and try to act hard, but they usually end up getting stood up or outskated by some old hack, which, I would imagine, is a humbling experience.

I have been in one "Open Hockey Fight." There is a Junior B team that plays out of the rink I go to for Open Hockey, and just about all the guys on the team think they own the place. Anyways, one of these said Junior B players was acting like an ass, trying to go coast-to-coast, plucking the puck away from some of the really young kids on the ice, stealing the puck away from the people on his own team...etc. (I'm sure you've all seen these types). Finally, my coach (who was playing on his team at the time) told the guy to quit trying to show-off; that none of us were impressed, and he was only making a total jackass of himself. The kid dropped the F-bomb on my coach a few times, which I really didn't appreciate, so I started chirping with him a bit. He gets the puck a bit later and starts up ice. I cut him off along the boards, and stay with him as he cuts back towards the high-slot. He circles back to the blue-line and glides across, and finally just rips a snapper right into my chest (obviously on purpose). At this point I stepped in, picked him up and just body-slammed him. There were some punches thrown, alot of chattering, but really nothing too serious, as everybody else stepped in pretty much immediately. I'd like to say I kicked the living piss out of him, but you all know how these fights are - there really are no winners...

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