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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Funny pic

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I was worried about this thread getting bumped to page 2.... so decided to post another pic a little earlier than my typical weekend post (alright, a lot earlier)


Below is a picture of the great Carlton Fisk, motioning to the Yankees Dug-out before throwing out the first pitch of a play off game between Boston and New York a few years back (before the BoSox won, for what it's worth).


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Wasn't that quote taken right from a live interview? I think I remember hearing about that on Leno or somehting.

i think it was also in sports illustrated "They said it" thread

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god that is so nasty......gross...dsigusting, and some choice words not appropiate for this board

thats almost as bad as the jason kendall (baseball) incident. He fractured his leg right above the ankle stepping on first base. Broke clean through and tore through his skin and sock...there was only a small piece of flesh holding his foot on. Worst part was he was in full sprint, so after it happened he was hopping to slow his stride and the foot was floppin around, NASSSSSTY! i know you guys remember that one... :blink:

That one is bad! But have you ever seen the video of former WCW wrestler Sid Vicious jumping off the ropes. It's sick. He jumps off the ropes to do a "sledge" his ankle just absolutly snaps!

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Again, not really funny...but since we're doing gruesome injury pics...I had this in an issue of Maxim that had the 20 worst sports injuries. They also had Malarchuk's throat...a guy who lost an arm in a tug-of-war....I can't find the mag, but I found this pic online.

...If anything is "funny" about this, it's his name...Busst!


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not realy a funny pic, but there are some on this page ;) check out part two, and make sure you read the descriptions


MAN! That's funny! Reminds me of how I felt after watching the movie Bad Santa. I laughed, and laughed hard.... but felt guilty about it (the guilt, of course, didn't prevent me from watching it again though)

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Yeah that's what steroids will do to ya. There's also the one of the kickboxer who kicks the other guy's leg and breaks it. That's a nasty one.

My math teacher is the black guy in the fight. Still talks about it.

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