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Jim Bob

NHL looking at blue ice and new line colors

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The terms "Blue Line" and "Red LIne are too ingrained in the minds of players and coaches to just be changed.

Its part of the terminology of the game.

It'd be like changing position names from

Goalie to Puck stopper

Defenseman to Resistance guy

Center to middle forward

Its just a stupid idea. No matter what color they are, I'll always call it the blueline because that's what it is...BLUELINE.

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I have been to a few Long Beach Ice Dogs (ECHL) games this season and they are using blue ice. It looks absolutely TERRIBLE. If casual fans think the puck is hard to see now, wait until they switch to blue ice.

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I have been to a few Long Beach Ice Dogs (ECHL) games this season and they are using blue ice. It looks absolutely TERRIBLE. If casual fans think the puck is hard to see now, wait until they switch to blue ice.

They'll just make the puck fluorescent yellow ;)

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Are they going to be bringing those gigantic uh "orange lines" to the NHl now too? The blue ice dosent look that bad, but my god lose the line color changes.

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red/orange ice

it's good for random special nights, like maybe green on st pattys day. but leave it white.

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Pale blue might not be too bad, with the traditional royal blue lines and the red lines. If it is to ease eye-strain and reduce glare, it might work.

I wonder if I'd trip over an orange line as easily as I trip over blue ones now?? :blink:

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The pic in the story looks to be a very light blue, almost like it was on the old sega games. That doesn't bother me too much. The Orange line is a bit disgusting though. The red in Mik3's picture is way too dark though. The whole zone thing sounds screwy as well. It was too radical to simply allow 2 line passes but now they can/will change everything, I don't like it.

Under this proposal, once the puck crosses the opposing blue line, the offensive zone would stretch all the way back to the center line; so the defensive team, to clear the zone, would have to move the puck past the center line. In effect, this rule would expand both the offensive and neutral zones.

People complain about not understanding rules now, how is this supposed to help?

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The NHL used to have light blue ice back in the day anyways. I dont think its that far of a stretch, although I do agree, keep the ice white. They need to focus on opening up the game and actually GETTING THE GAME BACK ON THE ICE, not on the colors of the playing surface, thats just stupid and it makes me wonder where their priorities are. <_<

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The ice at the Long Beach arena that the Ice Dogs use it a light blue, like the blue in the pic in the article. It's a joke.

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I thought MLG had a bit of blue in the ice so that it appeared white when you actually saw it. It actually worked as well.

I believe certain blues become "invisible" when shot with a blue camera filter, which does just what you are saying..... it ends up increasing the

white intensity.... I believe their choice of "blue" ice has nothing to do with " color fashion" but is being done to increase the contrast by making the ice surface brighter and thus the puck easier to pick up. This is now more feasible with digital TV, whereas when they tried it before the extra brightness ended up bleeding onto everything else and creating some image distortion

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red/orange ice

it's good for random special nights, like maybe green on st pattys day. but leave it white.

haha looks like there was a massacre on the ice.

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Why not put spinners at each faceoff points?!?

And about that blue ice, most of us can remember the 1980 Olympics, the ice there was spotted blue and white. I think it's one of the missed details in the movie Miracle.

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I've been to one LB Ice Dog game, and the ice is horrible. Who's the creative genius/s who thought of this? It seems like people are creating work to keep their jobs.

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