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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Here's another Stealth review

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Stealth review

an opinion on Easton Stealth One Piece Hockey Stick by puckmugger. Just another opinion source to share.

That guy is a moron. The vector and M-1 are real OPS? After reading some of his other reviews I wouldn't believe him if he said the sky was blue.

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"Easton claims only 1/4 of the weight is in the blade." I never read that anywhere.

And how the hell does he know that Easton does sheets of Kevlar as opposed to CCM who rolls it on? And last time I checked the Vector is more durable than any Easton stick. I also am not digggin his 3-piece theory. Is a layer of epoxy adhesive (or whatever they use) really a third piece - - like a blade and shaft?

I think it's obvious this dude is more attuned to the composite hockey stick market than your average person, however, I think he pulled a few facts out of his a$$.

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Stealth review

an opinion on Easton Stealth One Piece Hockey Stick by puckmugger.  Just another opinion source to share.

That guy is a moron. The vector and M-1 are real OPS? After reading some of his other reviews I wouldn't believe him if he said the sky was blue.

No, blue is old Latvian for 110 . . . :rolleyes:

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"Easton claims only 1/4 of the weight is in the blade." I never read that anywhere.

And how the hell does he know that Easton does sheets of Kevlar as opposed to CCM who rolls it on? And last time I checked the Vector is more durable than any Easton stick. I also am not digggin his 3-piece theory. Is a layer of epoxy adhesive (or whatever they use) really a third piece - - like a blade and shaft?

I think it's obvious this dude is more attuned to the composite hockey stick market than your average person, however, I think he pulled a few facts out of his a$$.

Most of the "reviews" are based on borrowing a stick from someone for a few shifts, not really the best way to determine all the facts.

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Stealth review

an opinion on Easton Stealth One Piece Hockey Stick by puckmugger.  Just another opinion source to share.

That guy is a moron. The vector and M-1 are real OPS? After reading some of his other reviews I wouldn't believe him if he said the sky was blue.

What do you mean... the M-1 isn't an OPS?

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Stealth review

an opinion on Easton Stealth One Piece Hockey Stick by puckmugger.  Just another opinion source to share.

That guy is a moron. The vector and M-1 are real OPS? After reading some of his other reviews I wouldn't believe him if he said the sky was blue.

What do you mean... the M-1 isn't an OPS?

The M-1 is definately not an Ture OPS like the True1. I can see the fuse line or whatever it is on my shaft.

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Stealth review

an opinion on Easton Stealth One Piece Hockey Stick by puckmugger.  Just another opinion source to share.

That guy is a moron. The vector and M-1 are real OPS? After reading some of his other reviews I wouldn't believe him if he said the sky was blue.

What do you mean... the M-1 isn't an OPS?

The M-1 is definately not an Ture OPS like the True1. I can see the fuse line or whatever it is on my shaft.

There were reports of the blades falling out of the first batch.

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No, blue is old Latvian for 110 . . .  :rolleyes:

of course!

This guy is such a tool. How long has he had the stick for, he doesn't say when he's bought it, how long he's been using it, and if/when it has broken. He might want to state more about the usage of the stick and less about the facts he reads about the stick online and what he makes up.

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No, blue is old Latvian for 110 . . .  :rolleyes:

of course!

This guy is such a tool. How long has he had the stick for, he doesn't say when he's bought it, how long he's been using it, and if/when it has broken. He might want to state more about the usage of the stick and less about the facts he reads about the stick online and what he makes up.

If you read the comments section you find this:

and I never spent $200 on a stick (grin). I borrowed one for a few shifts during a game and talked to a lot of people who have one.

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Stealth review

an opinion on Easton Stealth One Piece Hockey Stick by puckmugger.  Just another opinion source to share.

That guy is a moron. The vector and M-1 are real OPS? After reading some of his other reviews I wouldn't believe him if he said the sky was blue.

What do you mean... the M-1 isn't an OPS?

The M-1 is definately not an Ture OPS like the True1. I can see the fuse line or whatever it is on my shaft.

There were reports of the blades falling out of the first batch.

So the M-1 is basically just an L-2 fused together in a different color, or?

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"Easton claims only 1/4 of the weight is in the blade." I never read that anywhere.

thats half true, easton claims the stealth has a 3:1 shaft to blade weight ratio

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Stealth review

an opinion on Easton Stealth One Piece Hockey Stick by puckmugger.  Just another opinion source to share.

That guy is a moron. The vector and M-1 are real OPS? After reading some of his other reviews I wouldn't believe him if he said the sky was blue.

What do you mean... the M-1 isn't an OPS?

The M-1 is definately not an Ture OPS like the True1. I can see the fuse line or whatever it is on my shaft.

There were reports of the blades falling out of the first batch.

Lol you beat me to it, I was about to say no way in hell are M1's true one pieces I clearly remember my teammate blades falling out of those. Not to mention hes never worn Vapor XXX's yet gives them 1 out 5 stars because of hear-say. I guess he 'heard' that local pros went through there pro stock vapor XX's every 6 weeks. Not to mention that I guess Vapor XXX is exactly equal to Vapor XX pro stock, with no changes at all? Wow worst reviews ever how can you possibly review a skate without wearing it?

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Stealth review

an opinion on Easton Stealth One Piece Hockey Stick by puckmugger.  Just another opinion source to share.

That guy is a moron. The vector and M-1 are real OPS? After reading some of his other reviews I wouldn't believe him if he said the sky was blue.

What do you mean... the M-1 isn't an OPS?

The M-1 is definately not an Ture OPS like the True1. I can see the fuse line or whatever it is on my shaft.

There were reports of the blades falling out of the first batch.

So the M-1 is basically just an L-2 fused together in a different color, or?

The M1 is NOT a tapered stick, correct?

Perhaps the L2 IS tapered? I haven't looked at one close up, so these are questions welcome for anyone to answer.

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and I never spent $200 on a stick (grin). I borrowed one for a few shifts during a game and talked to a lot of people who have one.

I don't have a stealth stick... but I pretend to be an owner of an equipment review website... awesome :P

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M1 is tapered.

Really? Huh. I have one. Must be a small taper, as with most sticks you can tell, and I can't with the M1. Perhaps it's just that brain drainage... no wait, brain... rammage? is that a word?.... that brain something that the doctor's always telling me about......

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M1 is tapered.

Really? Huh. I have one. Must be a small taper, as with most sticks you can tell, and I can't with the M1. Perhaps it's just that brain drainage... no wait, brain... rammage? is that a word?.... that brain something that the doctor's always telling me about......

I thought it was tapered too

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and I never spent $200 on a stick (grin). I borrowed one for a few shifts during a game and talked to a lot of people who have one.

I don't have a stealth stick... but I pretend to be an owner of an equipment review website... awesome :P

That actually wan't my quote, it was the puckmugger guy.

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M1 is tapered.

Really? Huh. I have one. Must be a small taper, as with most sticks you can tell, and I can't with the M1. Perhaps it's just that brain drainage... no wait, brain... rammage? is that a word?.... that brain something that the doctor's always telling me about......

I thought it was tapered too

Ummmm, the M-1 is tapered and always has been...........think fused L-2........

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