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Hefter helmet "coming soon" to thepenaltybox.com

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...They are saying this is a much better product for absorbing both high and low impact hits. If this is true and the helmet is found to be a safer helmet that the current crop of CCMs, Bauers, etc. then they will have something. ... For me personally, I really want to see what the test results are...

I'd like to see the test results from other manufacturers as well.

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Seems sketchy that they are taking bookings for a product that isn't even certified. Probably counting on that revenue to develop their helmet. Doesn't sound too promising...

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I'd have to agree with JR. The most famous example of something like that happening was when the Delorean was introduced in the early 80's. Once the orders slowed down, they ran out of money.

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Rumor has it (totally unsubstantiated, mind you - it was some random guy on the Easton board) that Easton has some helmet in the works, but it's certification was rejected, setting release back a year or possibly two.

If that happens to Hefter? Might as well just put a fork in them.

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As GURU pointed out a long time ago, they do have a catchers helmet. I wouldn't be surprised to see them roll out a hockey helmet in the next couple of years. That would prevent their guys from wearing anything from another brand.

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it seems that this hefter helment is big on protection and saftey

so they say. The fact they didn't permit people to actually touch it, bothers me. I don't trust anyone that doesn't let you give the product a close inspection.

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Is there even a market big enough to support this product?

Think about it:

Youth hockey players: parents or kids likely won't worry about having that much protection, unlessed they are sold on it by one of the guys in the store.

High school/junior players:

Too expensive, not really worth making the change when you're short on cash and may not even be playing long enough to make it worthwhile.

College Players:

May be the best market. As they need the protection, they may actually wear the bucket. Same as highschool though. They may decide not to bother with it because they don't want to change helmets.


Stick to what they know, even if it isn't a good protecting helmet. Even if the pro's were to wear them, the company would likely be paying them, which would result in a loss of money.

Is there really a place for the hefter helmeet?

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With the higher awareness of concussions and head safety? Probably so, yes. Kids will want the coolest gear (see $500 skates, $150 sticks that only last 6 mos, etc).

If the pro's wear them, kids will want to "be like Mike" (Modano - so, guess that means over paid softie).

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With the higher awareness of concussions and head safety? Probably so, yes. Kids will want the coolest gear (see $500 skates, $150 sticks that only last 6 mos, etc).

If the pro's wear them, kids will want to "be like Mike" (Modano - so, guess that means over paid softie).

good point there, it really comes down to how hefter presents thier image. Will they start off on the right foot, or will the eventually become a victim of awful image (franklin!)

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It's simple. You don't sell the kid, you sell mom. If it's the single most protective helmet on the face of the earth, a whole lot of moms are going to get it no matter what little Joey wants.

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it seems that this hefter helment is big on protection and saftey

so they say. The fact they didn't permit people to actually touch it, bothers me. I don't trust anyone that doesn't let you give the product a close inspection.

Makes me think of auto show cars the just are lined with black felt on the inside since they are just rolling chassis

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As a parent if the protection is there I will definitely look at this to see how it compares.

Hitz14 - like your icon there - post on the USCHO board?

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Interesting.... I just noticed that the prototype looks a bit different from the model displayed on Penalty box. Maybe that's why they wouldn't let you touch it (was probably hand made or something).





Looks like the Penalty box one appears to be more angular, and no big scoop in the back part of the side of the head (looks like they went with two triangular vents instead).

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I'm aware of that, actually. Just figured the drawing that they have up all over their website would be more representative of the final product.

Also, if photo's exist, I found it interesting to note that Hefter doesn't have them on their website (yet Penalty Box has them).

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I've always wondered why Easton didnt make a helmet...

Like stated before, parents prob would jump on the Hefter, if they are promoting saftey big.

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Easton's been working on one for a little while now.

On the Easton board, the lead R&D guy who answers questions there seems to have gotten something firmly lodged in his rectum when he heard someone suggest that their first prototype was rejected for certification......

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Interesting.... I just noticed that the prototype looks a bit different from the model displayed on Penalty box.  Maybe that's why they wouldn't let you touch it (was probably hand made or something).





Looks like the Penalty box one appears to be more angular, and no big scoop in the back part of the side of the head (looks like they went with two triangular vents instead).

In my opnion, they should of kept the style of the blue one, it looks way cooler The red one looks more like a Dicks Sporting Good's brand, until you look at the price and realize its $150! Honestly, I know its suppossed to be real safe and all, but my noggin has been fine in my $50 CCM 852. Dont know if I would drop that much on a helmet.

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He isn't R&D - he's marketing.

Ah..... gotcha. I stand corrected.

Regardless, I've always been amazed at how knowledgeable the guy is, and yet, seems is scouring the Easton message board to placate the Easton fans.

In my opnion, they should of kept the style of the blue one, it looks way cooler The red one looks more like a Dicks Sporting Good's brand, until you look at the price and realize its $150! Honestly, I know its suppossed to be real safe and all, but my noggin has been fine in my $50 CCM 852. Dont know if I would drop that much on a helmet.

I totally agree.

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