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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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K guys I need some opinion.dont read it if its too long and you have better things to do

Ok so about a month ago there was this chain email going around and you fill in your personal info and stuff like that and it sends it back to the person that sends it to you.so being as I'm still in high school personal status is important.so my friend finds out this one guys info like who he likes and stuff and we go tell her just for kicks and he finds out and gets pissed so starts doing shit to my locker cuz i share with the person.hes putting gum on my lock and white out all over the lock and locker.so at first we didnt know who's doing it so we just let it slip by.so it happens 4 times this month so far so i get pissed.k so yesterday right after last class of the day i go to my locker and it has "FAt" written on it in white out (everybody calls my locker partner fat cuz hes chubbyish) and theres white out on the lock.funny enough the guy that we revealed his secrets (his name is erik) got in a fight with my friend in the hall and were both sent to the office.so my locker partner's like "hey u know what i think its erik i mean think about it we dont have any beef with other ppl in this school."so i think and i agree so my locker partner says we should go report him to the office for double the crap hes in so i say why not.i mean its basically the only way we might be able to stop the madness.so we go in and we get to talk to the vice principal about the situation.she tells him to write out "fat" really fast on paper and we go up to my locker....funny enough hes stupid enough the write it the EXACT same way.capital F,capital A and it wasnt crossed and the lowercase "t" 's line was on a distinct angle.so the VP says how could he explain that.we go back to the office and we can leave but erik has to stay because he had that fight to deal with.so i get home and soon after my friend who fought him got back and says erik cried cuz he was in so much shit.so that night i went to a friends with some buddies and i went on msn and my other friends are telling me how erik is plotting to get us back my jumping us all dressed in black and with paintball guns,and hes gonna hack our computers.at this point im starting to get pissed off cuz i think everything is done and dealt with so now i know a group of ppl who gathers and video tapes fights.i wanna fight him and settle it for all.you guys think i should?hes no more than 110.im 120

thanks for whoever is reading this.hes starting to piss me off.if hes gonna do anything the manliest thing to do is fight 1 on 1

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ok, first of all, who cares what he does to your locker? Gotta grow up. Second of all, hes not going to hack your computer, that just aint gonan hpepean. Trust me, nothing is gonna happean, maybe he will egg your house or something, but I doubt it. And if you want to fight him, do it. Dont be all talk tho.

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ok, first of all, who cares what he does to your locker? Gotta grow up. Second of all, hes not going to hack your computer, that just aint gonan hpepean. Trust me, nothing is gonna happean, maybe he will egg your house or something, but I doubt it. And if you want to fight him, do it. Dont be all talk tho.

hes been doing this for a few months.it used to happen on a daily basis so u gotta at least think how damn pissed off u would get.and i know he isnt gonna hack me i just quoted what he said.so yeah its this weekend and my friends are gonna video tape it...am i allowed to put it on here?lol..

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If you want more people to read that post, try splitting it up into paragraphs instead of a big chunk of words.

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The entire thing sounds extremely immature. I think you're way beyond the point of being able to concern yourself with what the "manliest thing to do" might be...

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I actually fought him 2 days ago.In a forest by our school.I don't mean to be cocky but I killed him...he had cuts under both eyes,lip and cheek.I had a bloody knuckle.Early on he punched my eye and knocked out my contact...so everything was blurry so basically I kicked his ass with real bad sight.None of his punches left anything so i have no marks what so ever except on my right hand.Today at school he had a black eye and those cuts were just healing.It is on video but I'm not going to post it at the moment cuz my friend has it and we're gonna lay low for a week just in case we get caught.Would I be allowed to post it afterwards?mods?

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I'm pretty sure nobody here wants to see a pair of scrawny 110 pound kids slapping and scratching each other in the forest :P

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