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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Looks like Duke, but I verywell could be wrong.

no,close its my high school teams mascot ,were the blue devils

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It's Preacher Jim from Taxi.

"Buc Nasty what can I say about that suit,..... That hasn't already been said about Afghanistan, Its bombed out, and depleted."

Another awsome episode of Chappelle's show.

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As I walk over the bridge, it reminds of the time I walked over this very same bridge with the love of my life, Stacey. We were like two peas in a pod, metaphorically speaking. I can still smell the fresh smell of the summer air. But now here I am, walking over this bridge, alone. How did it come to this....

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Bouce, "When My cloths smell bad i just throw in a sheet of Bouche to the dryer and when they come out that have that nice bouch freshness" ;-)

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It's Preacher Jim from Taxi.

Reverend Jim

Is that Pat Ver-Beeker?

(and for the record, it is, in fact, Reverend Jim Ignatowski (aka Iggie) from Taxi - so Mack, Chadd, and 43B are right. Christopher Lloyd was also "Doc" from Back to the Future, was also in Angels in the Outfield and Pam Anderson's "Stacked") ;)

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Q: "What does a yellow light mean?"

A: "Slow Down"

Q: Wh-a-a-t do-es a yel-low light me-e-e-an?"

A: Slow Down!"

and so on...


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