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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/18 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Good News: For those of you that have followed my post regrading my True Skates I have contacted Rob, who knew of the situation. True initially made the mistakes, but mistakes happen and now I understand. Rob has assured me that this rarely happens, but no matter what, things of this nature would have been fixed, in any event. I am further assured that my skates will be much smaller and narrower, especially to my liking and being shipped out today or tomorrow. I only wished that I had called him earlier, as a few members suggested. He did say to call back and let him know how they feel! Rob was a complete gentleman, just as he was from the time I was first itching to have a pair of VH skates, but just could not afford them at that point. This was prior to all of he changes (True and VH) and with now the LHS doing scans and the purchaser looses touch with the company, or so I thought. I believe most know that I was reticent putting anything about this on our forum, but it just got too much for me, especially after the second pair came, then I waited and waited, so that's why I posted. Lack of information. I will ask Rob when I indicate that the skates are great that perhaps True should disclose everything and give instructions to the LHS to do the same thing, so they can communicate it to the buyer. In this instance the LHS does not have any legal right to discuss these issues. But, allowing the LHS more leeway would help. Now, True calling, would even give more credence to the customers, as they are then actually talking to a person from the real Company and can show they really care, not that they don't, they are very busy, but can probably find one like mine to give a call! Please continue with your orders from True. Everything will be made to you satisfaction or you it can be adjusted, but please do expect a good skate when you order a pair. I now have my full confidence back in True! They have growing pains with staff showing they are getting more orders. More orders = more business = more people = More training = a more solvent company = more Confidence!
  2. 2 points
    Do let us know what the new skates are like, but no need to write War and Peace ... Glad to hear your woes should be over. 🙂
  3. 1 point
    I am with Mojo, I used heel wedges for most my life until ~2014 went to Sakic then Gionta curve currently using p28, just need tiem to adjust, try a CCM p29 first then bauer p92 as CCM has more heel from my experience.
  4. 1 point
    Pretty impressed. Emailed true beginning of the week for some extra red foot beds. Got them today no charge. Also in the mail... My ccm orthomoves from hockeymonkey.ca for only 33 cdn. They are much stiffer at the heel than I thought. Stiffer than the superfeet yellow/carbon which I assumed they would identical to.
  5. 1 point
    @smu it helps a bit with the pictures, thanks for adding them to the discussion. I’m not qualified to judge holder mounting or anything like that, but from my experience in looking at pictures of hockey equipment, I can say it’s hard to make out finer details when your photos have so much shadow. Could you try and get some with good overall lighting in the room and with the flash turned off? That might help give a better look at your skates’ alignment.
  6. 1 point
    Bought these on ebay to mess around in. They appear minimally used. I'll give them a soak and an air dry (unless my research on old leather reveals something else) at some point this weekend. Holy hell these leather gloves are going to require a lot of time if I ever want to break them in.
  7. 1 point
    I was a devout heel curve user for decades. Knowing in advance that they were being phased out I transitioned to a P92. As for saucing, if your technique is good you can sauce with any curve.

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