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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/23 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I remember reading about the different Profile cages in various topics but couldn't find where it discussed the differences in profile II cages so here goes: I've used Profile II cages for a long time, have had probably 6 or 7 over the years, also tried various CCM cages, an FV1 bubble, a Profile III, and a Reakt Ti cage (not to mention the old Jofa bubble cages and Itechs I had in the 90's), but the Profile II has always been my favorite since the large size fits my face the best and I like the shape and how it looks. In one thread discussing cages someone mentioned they changed the shape somewhere along the line, well I just learned whoever said that was 100% correct. My guess is somewhere between 2017 and 2022 is when the change occurred (my newest cage had a 2017 sticker and the brand new one I just got has a 2022 sticker and is very different). The "new" Profile II cage is a little shorter and extends away from the face much more, it's more similar to the Profile III shape, and is more pronounced when the helmet and cage are on, I personally hate it. The "new" Profile II also has flatter bars similar to the Profile III, the old round ones never bothered me so I don't see any benefit in this. Compared to the Reakt, the Profile III is a similar shape but a little boxier, the Reakt curves closest to the face but is shorter/smaller than the OG Profile II which has the best combination of curve and size imo. Not sure if anyone else cares but I'm a little razy when it comes to some stuff lol, I tried to get some side by side shots for comparison... left to right is OG Profile II, "new" Profile II, Profile III, Reakt Ti: Untitled by Jon Schusteritsch, on Flickr OG vs New Profile II: Untitled by Jon Schusteritsch, on Flickr New one on red 910, OG one on white 910: Untitled by Jon Schusteritsch, on Flickr Untitled by Jon Schusteritsch, on Flickr So that's all I have, not much of a question other than observations. So if anyone has a hook uo on OG Profile II's send them my way lol, I have a new one and a Profile II I'm never going to use (currently going to give the Reakt another try).
  2. 1 point
    I am also frustrated by the change to the Profile II. I’ve always used that cage but the one I bought a few months ago has a different shape, as you documented in your post. Looks goofy like the Profile III.
  3. 1 point
    2023/2024 Bauer Cages, including the new titanium cage: https://vimeo.com/833381029
  4. 1 point
    I wonder if people actually read the VT protocol. All they are looking at is if a helmet can reduce the acceleration of the head from the impact. That's all a helmet can do wrt concussions.
  5. 1 point
    Wow, I gotta admit, the 'blacked out' version of the FT6 Pro looks real good
  6. 1 point
    The Redwings had the same situation in 2008 as a result of them wearing the "C" and "A" on the right so it was still cluttered on the jersey

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