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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/15 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I was called at the last minute to be a league captain and participated in my first draft last night. The local leagues run two sessions per season, and there's a draft for each session. It's pretty cool because even a powerhouse team only lasts two months, and everyone has the opportunity to move up (or down) a division if their play improves (or worsens!). 11 skaters per team, five teams in our C division, so we'll all get plenty of skating time. I think I drafted a pretty solid team of above average consistent players--no crazy hot shots, no slower players, some returning seasoned players who have taken a few years off. We have a great A-league forward on our team this year, our goalie! We also have the best B League goalie on our team--she is skating out with us. :) I'm bushed--played dropin until 11:30 on Sun and Tue, hung out with my rookie skaters until after 10 on Weds, late night at draft last night; I need a nap, but life is good!
  2. 3 points
    My U14 girls team scrimmaged against the Squirts last night. We only had 3 actual U14-aged (2000 and 2001) girls, and the rest were 2004's and 2005's. Girls won 5-2. :) My 2003 played with them and was a beast playing D against her old 2004 teammates. :) The little girls who had been afraid to play with boys their age are suddenly not afraid to play against boys their own age. :) :)
  3. 2 points
    quick clip from out last play off game im wearing number 9 in yellow with the yellow socks , this is my first season back after taking of 23yrs http://vid294.photobucket.com/albums/mm109/tattoosbyjay/DSC_0379_zpsatgl4m5f.mp4
  4. 1 point
    I'm 16 dark blue - this would have been somewhere from 2008 to early 2009, back when I was living in Kalamazoo but after I had gotten my BNIB Mega Air 90s (ebay find). RIP Todd wearing #19 white, a great guy.
  5. 1 point
    Let's go chronologically... Dec. 15 The only fully professional chorus in town, which has been the single constant in my life for the past 10 years since I moved here, announces that the board has decided to cease operations in May. Dec. 20 Some idiot rear ends my car at a red light causing what turned out to be $4,000 in damage and causing me to be without the car for 2 full weeks due to the shop being closed several days over the holidays. Luckily his insurance covered the $, but, with everything else that went on, it was a stressful situation. Dec. 24 4 month old baby gets sick with cold symptoms Dec. 26 Take baby to pediatrician, get sent to ER to rule out pneumonia. Luckily no Pneumonia, but positive for RSV which can be very serious for infants. Not a total surprise since a daycare mate had RSV the previous week. Dec. 29 After steady improvement over weekend, baby is miserable all night and we rushed her to ER again with a 104 F fever. Turns out congestion from the virus had led to an ear infection. Jan. 4 My father in law takes a nasty fall on a very hard tile floor and breaks his hip Jan. 8 Father in law has hip replacement surgery (they decided on account of previously undiagnosed bad arthritis in the joint, which has probably been causing his near-immobilizing knee pain for the past two years, that replacement was the best course) This morning: Backing out of a parking spot after dropping kids at daycare, I tapped the bumper of the car behind me. Of course he had a license plate frame on the front of his car which put four neat little circular impressions from the bolts into my newly replaced bumper. Now: Father in law has been in ICU since operation, being monitored for "concerns" over his heart. Seemd to be just precautionary at first, but now starting to be worrisome that he's still there.
  6. 1 point
    Picked up some new shinguards. CCM RBZ 130s. Skated on them last night and they feel great. My only beef was a small piece of webbing that was supposed to serve as a guide or something for the cross-strap. It didn't work for me so I cut it off and now I couldn't be happier!
  7. 1 point
    For the record, the 2100 helmet is gone. New helmets at that price point(Learn to Play kids) won't be available until June 2015. What is the purpose of putting LS1 steel on a $400 skate and then it's not aftermarket? Not that shops need more steel to stock but why LS1? Especially at that price point.
  8. 1 point
    Welcome back to the game...
  9. 1 point
    oldtrainerguy28: Bauer's warranty for holders on new skates and aftermarket is 1-year from the date of purchase. If the player has concerns after 6-months they should be returning to retailer they purchased the skate for warranty replacement or be in contact with Bauer warranty directly so we can resolve the issue for them. We would also likely ask the retailer or player to ship the holder back to our RD&D for inspection. This would help us in any required improvements and design considerations in the future. *edited*
  10. 1 point
    a few of my son he just turned 2
  11. 1 point
    Added Edge holders and LS3. Can't wait to get them on the ice for the first time tomorrow night
  12. 1 point

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