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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/17 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Pure Hockey sells them for $3. If you're shipping them full and for sale, might be worth it. If you're sending back a broken stick, companies allow you to cut them in half so that you can fit it in a smaller box.
  2. 1 point
    Haha, I thought you were chirping the $#!t out of him, too!
  3. 1 point
    The RS came out right before the original Mako. I have no experience with that skate and do not know if they're sizing is the same as the Mako skates, but Hockey Monkey does have Mako M8 skates on clearance for $234.98 and has 10D and 10.5D in stock. I believe most people used to take .5 size higher in Easton skates than Bauer, but with the Mako a lot of people went to the same size; so you might be a 10D in the M8, but hopefully someone who has used or tried on both the Mako skates and the RS can weigh in on that. I haven't used VH skates, but I've seen, felt and have read a lot about them and that'd be the most similar skate to the Easton Mako currently available. They aren't cheap at $899, however; they're fully custom and are built based on measurements, tracings and pictures of your feet. You could of course buy 4 pairs of the Mako M8 at the clearance price for only $40 more than one VH. There's a big VH skate thread here if you want to read all about those. You can also of course search on this and other forums, craigslist, kijiji, eBay, Sideline Swap and FB groups to see if anyone is selling Mako II or M8s in your size. Keep in mind that a lot of people can't even fit their feet into a properly sized Mako before it's baked and they'll feel very tight and can be uncomfortable if you do get your feet in them. After baking the Makos are very comfortable for most people in the right size. I have used both the Mako II and the original Makos and find the Mako II to be much more durable. The liner is holding up better on the Mako II, there's a bit more ankle padding and it hasn't compressed on me yet after about 8 months of use like the OG Makos did. Many people also had cracking issues with the OG Makos. So I'd stay away from the original Makos with the silver heels unless you can get them for dirt cheap and just want something to tide you over until you can find a Mako II or M8. The Mako II and M8 aren't going to be indestructible, but they're both an improvement over the originals and at the prices you can find them for now you could get 2 or 3 of them instead of one new high end Bauer, CCM or VH skate.
  4. 1 point
    Toes on were getting kind of beat up (old style carbon with epoxy coating) so I hit them with some truck bed liner. Seems to be holding up pretty well.

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