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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by AIREAYE

  1. I actually think its somewhat selfish in a way, true you have the money to buy all that stuff and that gives you every right to buy whatever the hell you want, but consider the other people in line too :)
  2. My MW2 experience: -spawn- -get warmed up- -get sniped by a quick scope, single shot- -spawn- -run into building, do tactical stuff- -get sprint knifed- -spawn- -airstrike by predator missile- -spawn- -mowed down by one of 5 choppers/harriers- -leave- -play Halo/NHL10/Bioshock 2-
  3. Yes, I am VERY interested, for my essay of course :P I noticed they don't have a name for the PM9 pattern, looks like they ditched Malkin or vice versa huh? :P
  4. holy moly, it has been 30 celsius here in the GTA for the past 4 days
  5. hmm Franchises, haven't seen them before...
  6. Done Math and Physics IB exams :D no more of either next yr in grade 12...now i only have 2 classes left :D:D
  7. apparently you are correct : http://www.internationalhockey.com/Skates_...00420309850.htm
  8. wat the hell? you mean easton S9's?
  9. She needs to see TWLOHA... :(
  10. Offer me a discount on new holders then :P nah jk
  11. I have a pair of AmpFly's...what's so special about the Drive Shaft anyways?
  12. awesome :) you go to uni in Ontario?
  13. How are you liking the R6? is that in reg or stiff flex?
  14. PHEW? you have joined the dark side...
  15. I think this is a question with a pretty obvious answer, but why dont NHL players wear 'anatomical-fitting' gloves like the S19, S17, RBK 10K etc. I suppose that their protection level is inadequate?
  16. i predict that your shot will go to hell with the new flex :) good luck
  17. I think that they wont make a CL shaft for the pure reason that their stick is called the Crazy lite. Sure they can have a CL shaft that weighs like 200g but it would be horrible as a combo beacuse the balance would be off due to the blade. The Octo line wouldn't have shafts purely for the reason of their '8-sided taper', find a blade for those things, I dare you :P
  18. I picked up a SR and I immediately thought 'BRICK'
  19. Hah if the ABS was lighter, it would be my first go-to for street hockey, still hunting for those legendary RBK 1K ABS woodies...
  20. Can you give me any insight into the SC6 and the XVI?
  21. That fu***** sucks, man. I'd die if mine did that
  22. Update: Gloves: Easton S17 (2008), S5 (2007) Sticks: Bauer X:40, NB One55 OPS Pants: Bauer One35
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