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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by bostonjuniorblackhawks

  1. there hasn't been smalls or many mediums floating around since the giant got some last year
  2. They made my easton classic shanny edition feel not so boxy anymore haha
  3. Oh, didn't know you had some of his ops's
  4. Most likely. They only had 4 widows left when I was there which were all super boxy. Seemed like every one of his dolos I looked at were super boxy as well
  5. They've always had good looking gloves. I really like the mia's they had made up a few years ago
  6. tsr unless you like SUPER boxy shafts, it's hard to like those kovy sticks
  7. Basically want my Aunt is payeded to do at an insurance company with the board members. It doesn't sound very fun
  8. it sounds like they might have updated the fit On a side note, I want those gloves
  9. I'm surprised to hear to creepers are pretty roomy as of late. I have a pair of customs that someone else had made up from a few years ago and they're the tightest fitting gloves I own. More so than my xxxx's or ppf's
  10. go to tsr in New Hampshire and time it right so you get there just when they get a new shipment in
  11. nice vapor gloves. What's up with the logo on the thumb of your new warriors and what are those vapors you just snagged? Sweet lumber as well
  12. that's too bad. Whenever my mom borrows my truck, I'm always nervous that something like that will happen.
  13. nice collection. Got a good variety.
  14. sweet jesus did all those come from the team store or do you know someone?
  15. getting a late night call to pick people up and then having to take care of them for the night.................
  16. it's a prostock blade that someone was trying to sell on iw for a while
  17. Being able to watch the bruins play tampa without having to mute the game due to the lack of glass bangers
  18. Sweet pickup. I'd love to find some old 75 or 85 flex drury's.
  19. I went to see mgmt when I had crutches and my knee brace was locked straight haha.
  20. Must have felt great. I can't wait to play a game, but I need a few more months
  21. phoenix gets a ton of air time on wfnx around here and in NH
  22. skating after a LONG time off the ice is one of the best feelings ever
  23. haven't been on the ice in 5 months. Gonna give it a go tomorrow night
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